I will protect you

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when we returned the boys sat us down and started with what they heard.

"That guy gave me the creeps". Raph plopped down on the couch and the others joined.

"Why would he need to arm his men with those types of weapons?". Donnie placed his hand on his chin thinking it over.

Leo who had let go of my hand when we entered still looked angry, "What ever they have planned it can't be good . .".

I felt them glance at me a few times and I thought i should speak up, "s-so when you guys were gone something happened".

They looked at me and instantly shot questions, "What do you mean something happened?!".

April joined in, "some guy showed up and well . .".

Mikey took over, "He was like 'oh hey~' and (y/n) was like 'who are you' and then Bam and swoosh!".

the others looked at me for a proper explanation, "I got in a fight with him and he said somethings that threw me off . . he knew me but I don't remember someone like him . . but he did something".

"what did he do, your not hurt are you", Leo concerned looked me over a bit.

"he pulled my scarf off just to look at my face . . ", i was seriously confused thinking why my face would have been important.

'who was he . . he most definitely has to be working with the Akuma's but why would they need me', i was in deep thought when someone snapped me out of it.

"Its getting late so lets talk about this later", Leo said rubbing his eyes and everyone agreed.

Donnie escorted April home and Mikey went to bed while Raph hit the showers leaving Leo and I still in the living room seeing as this is where I sleep.

"Come with me for a bit", Leo looked at me like he needed to tell me something.

"s-sure . .", He walked out of the lair and i followed closely behind.

a few feet out of the lair and he slowed his pace taking my hand, ' . . he always has this habit and its adorable and all but he's making me nervous . . '.

He seemed tense but it seemed to calm once he took my hand and seemed to be doing better, "Leo".


"you seem to have a habit of holding my hand when ever something seems to bother you", i said in a soothing voice as not to scare him off.

he stayed quiet for a few seconds and his hold tightened a bit, "does it bother you".

"not at all~", We headed out to the city going off by roof tops and he helped me every step of the way even though i didn't need the help.

We got to a tall building and sat on the edge over looking the city, "I forget how pretty the city is at night".

"We fight all the time so its easy to forget about the simple things in life", He said while taking a seat next to me.

we had a good mood going but I still felt unsettled by what happened earlier, "Leo . . that boy . . he knows something about me and I don't know what he's after but . . what if he was sent by shredder to look for me?".

He looked into my eyes with gentleness and a conviction in his voice as he spoke his words , "Don't worry about the guy you met today . . what ever happens I'm Going To Protect You . . I wont let Anyone hurt you or force you to do something you don't want to do, Not Shredder Not the Akuma's Not anyone".

"Leo", i was swept up in the moment. "w-well i can take care of myself you know~ so why would you want to protect me?".

He got a bit red and made me feel a bit embarrassed just watching him, "I-I just do . . We care about you alot-".

I cut him off a bit, "we? so you protect me out of kindness and the sake of family then?~". i was messing with him a bit but how could i not when he's blushing and fidgets like that.

His face now a deep crimson shined in the light as he took my hand, "Its not just for family . . its mostly for me, I might be selfish for doing this but (y/n) . . I-".

Leo's T-phone went off before he could finish as he let out a grown, " . . Really . . sorry give me one sec".

Cooling off my nerves I fanned my face a bit, 'what is wrong with me . . i feel like a child getting excited about some sort of sweet'.

Watching him on the phone i felt a little sad he didn't get to finish what he was saying, 'why do i feel disappointed . . . I know how he feels some what but why does my heart feel so unsatisfied'.

"What!? We're close by Hold Them Off", He hung up looking at me with an expression telling me something is wrong.

Getting up quickly I nodded, "Where to".

"A few blocks down form here, Don and April need help", I followed closely behind.

While we were running to them Leo kept glancing at me with a sad expression every now and then and I heard him say something under his breath, "I'm so ganna pound him for this later".

When we arrived the Foot mutants were surrounding them with Foot bots on the edges of the buildings blocking all escapes.

"that's not good . .", we looked at each other and took out smoke bombs.

"I got the left you take the right", we went off and took on the the mutants first.

Moving swiftly we threw the eggs and appeared taking down the main weaklings meaning Xever and Bradford, 'Sorry fish man~ but you ruined my MOMENT!'.

Cutting his Robo legs I left him flopping around while Leo knocked out Bradford in a swift motion, "Put the dog down for you Don, now to take care of these guys".

Donnie being the knight he is placed April behind him, "Right, April stay close", I put myself near April and kept my face hidden.

They came down from all angles walking closer only stopping when a voice was heard, "you disappointments are so much trouble".

Tiger Claw majestically and oh so menacingly jumped off the roof landing in front of us, 'oh shit . . . it's him'.

He had a hardy laugh finding us amusing, "How have they not managed to catch or kill any of you is a shame . . that wont be an issue for much longer!".

He snapped his fingers and the robots came full force while he went after me and April, "Get over here child".

"AH", April flinched as he flew to her and I blinded him with Blinding powder I hid in my hand.

"GAHH!", He fell to his knees and i smacked the back of his head and with my other hand took out a small vile with a needle no bigger then my pinky.

"lights out kitty", I injected his neck and he went to the floor.

Grabbing April I whistled to the boys and took her in my arms going up to the roof, "w-what did you do to him?".

She looked back at the unconscious Giant Tiger, "when my opponent is that big it doesn't hurt to cheat a bit".

The boys caught up to us and Donnie was the first one to say anything, "(Y/n) you need to show me what you did to that guy when we get back".

Leo then added, "Mind telling how you even got that?!".

"Its better if you Dont know", slowing my pace I letting April on her feet as she kept up with our pace, "you really need to show me how to fight like that".

'I take down a Tiger and all she says is "show me to fight" she really is a funny girl', I giggled to myself while running next to her and she couldn't help but laugh a little as well.

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