Fly on the wall

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I was in a really bad mood after coming back here after so many years . . i always hated coming into this place for a few reasons, Once was they lay out of the building was made to keep you inside even longer to make you spend money, second was the amount of crime that took place  . . some was familiar but even i have morals  . . Rape, Killings, Beatings, shootings, narcotics, anything you can think of its happened.

To make it worse there untouchable The police, Lawyers, even some judges are part of there system so you cant trust anyone when going up against the Akuma's. I know this because one Mr. Akuma himself saw an image of me and Karai and said, "How much for the older one'. Since that day Shredders kept me away from this place but i know just how twisted this place is.

Leo had been calling my name while i was in my thoughts, "(y/n) . . you alright? you don't look that good".

snapping out of it i shook my head, "im fine . . this place just brings back bad memories".

Leo helped me up while Donnie thought of a plan, "I could use there resources against them and hack there cameras".

"Cameras only go to the main rooms . . anywhere near the 'King' would be overseen personally", i said it out of habit.

"King? you sure your still on our side", Raph pointed out.

Rolling my eyes i pointed to a top area, "you see that?".

The boys had to use binoculars to get a good look, "Snipers?!? This Place Has Snipers".

"i told you, this place is Mr. Kami's Castle so its not easy to get in or out".

Taking my phone I opened a picture and sent it to them, "the areas with a red X are places there are no cameras and the circle areas are our ways out".

"There's not a lot of circles", April pointed out.

"That's why you stay here while a small group enters and hears what there up to then we can act in it", I said putting my phone back in my pocket.

"What! Why do I have to stay", she fought me on it.

"And when did you make the calls", Raph said getting in my face.

I held my ground, "I'm sorry last time I checked I knew this place better then you~ but nooo if you have a better idea let's here is 'leader', oh wait you're not the leader are you".

Leo came between us, "alright guys calm down!, we wouldn't have gotten this far with out (Y/n)'s help and she's right about a small group of us going in".

"If we're going based off skill I think it should be Leo, Raph and (y/n)", Donnie said pausing looking at me and i nodded understanding what he wanted.

"I know, I'm staying with Mikey and April that was already a givin", I said sitting down on a box near by.

"What? You give us all this stuff and talk a big game but back down-".

"Raph drop it she knows she was going to sit it out", Leo said shutting him down.

"From what I see the best place to go is threw the blind spot in near the loading areas", Donnie was strategizing leaving me in my hazy thoughts.

"(Y/n)? You alright", April sat next to me.

" . . Yeah just thinking", I said spaced.

Mikey plopped his chin on my head, "it's not good to lie~ come on you can talk to us".

"You don't normally act this aggressive so we know somethings wrong", she held my hand.

I looked at the others and they were to busy so I thought it would be fine to share a bit, "I lied when I said I came here more then once".

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now