Flustered actions

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My mind was flooded with Confusion upon other feelings and then it hit me, 'i was going to escape but now what . . .'.

Looking at him as he tried to soothed me, 'Hes not a bad person . . . right . . . . w-what do i do . . . I know i cherished this boy back when we were children but now . . . . i cant! what about Leo?!?'.

"i know your thinking of alot at the moment, your friends i saw that day right?", he said talking to me slowly.

"if you stay with me i promise not to let anyone hurt you like when you lived with Them", he said 'them' very coldly.

"what . . b-but im still to young to-".

"I know, we don't have a say in this but if we do marry we can be free from there eyes and have enough resources to do with what we want with our lives together".

He got off the couch and knelt down in front of me, "so please, (Y/n) my dear friend. Will you be mine and marry me".

My nerves were all over the place, "y-your proposing". I stood up flustered out of my mind as i quickly stopped all of this. "I-IM SORRY BUT NO . . . I-I cant! n-not like this . . i cant".

i left going to the door i came in rushing to get out of here, "Nagi, Please open the door".

with out hesitation the door opened and i was escorted out, "yes miss, this way". He lent me his arm as he sent me to my room giving a glance to his friend before leaving.

Kaname getting up let out a sigh, "you dont get it yet . . but you will, im the only one that can keep you safe and once you see that you will be mine one way or another (y/n)".

Leaving threw the other door he met with the others to join the meeting they had planned for.

"My son, glad you can join us", the Head of there clan greeted him.

"sorry father my bride to be needed rest before dinner", he smiled and took his seat.

Shredder waved his hand sending off two guards, ' . . . . even now she still needs to be watched'.

He felt eyes on him from across the table, 'karai, if im not wrong you tried to assassinate (y/n). Lets make a fool of you later on". turning he gave her a chilling grin making her look away.

while they held there meeting (y/n) rushed to her room with Nagi as her guide but awaiting her was even more bothersome, "Miss here is your room. Under orders please do not leave with out my knowledge, if you need anything i shall be on the other side of the door".

When he opened the door the room was a mess and it was due to too very messy mutants, " . . . you have got to be kidding".

"Hey~ its little (y/n)! what took so long girl? ive been waiting here for hours", Anton was being a literal pig and eating all the snacks.

"Da! took so long we ate everything in mini bar", Ivan rubbed his stomach.

Nagi looked like he was about to kill them with his death glare, "what are you disgusting creatures doing in This Room".

I stepped aside as he whooped there butts out of the room sending them flying as many curse words were said.

he seemed so busy with them i found it a perfect opportunity to escape, 'he didnt look it but i guess he has a temper when it comes to mutants'. 

Keeping that in mind I went to the main floor and used the common elevator up to the roof still flustered about the whole situation, "marriage . . . Marriage?! . . . .ugh Marriage, Im to young to get married . . .".

hugging myself as the door opened letting cold air hit my skin i walked along the path over looking the city, To my surprise no one was here leaving me to think over everything.

"this is an arranged marriage and has nothing to do with me. I like Leo . . . but Kaname is my friend . . . But i haven't seen him since i was a child . . . and now marriage?!? . . . no way i can do that".

beating my self over it a beeping sound started on my choker frightening me, "d-did it activate?".

foot steps were heard coming my way and i thought it was Foot soldiers or There special guards that were 'protecting' me but it wasn't, "(Y/n)!".

A sweet and worried voice called out to me from the shadows and i didnt need to see who it was to know, "L-Leo . . .".

The others were with him as well all decked out in gear, "i didnt think we would find her so quickly".

"why cant all our rescue missions be this easy", Raph said crossing his arms.

"Whoa, you look good! why didnt we dress up like super secret agents".

"cuz were ninjas you idiot".

I stood there in shock as my legs started to shake and tears started to well up in my eyes as i laughed softly, "y-you guys are really stupid you know that".

Leo came to me and the others turned in surprise for too reasons. One they saw me crying and laughing and Two was what Leo did next.

He placed his hand on my face softly cleaning the tears away and the other pulling me closer as his hand traveled from my face to the back of my head pulling me into a long and loving kiss.

the action was something i wasn't expecting and i froze with widened eyes and a beat red face as he parted from my lips, "Never leave me again (Y/n), I was a mess with out you~".

"You can say that again", Raph said in the background making the boys snicker.

"y-y-you . . .You just k-k-kissed . . .", i couldn't get any words out at all.

Leo smiled, "i didn't think i could get you this flustered with just a kiss".

Donnie cut our romantic mood with something truly frightening, "We have to go! guards are all coming this way!".

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now