Fight my fight

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"HALT EVIL VILLAINS", Leo heroically said while holding his katanas in a ridiculous manner.

"Really 'halt evil villains' what you expect them to monologue now", Raph said mocking him.

'You know he's not wrong', I thought to myself while placing my scarfs over my face.

"Leo so glad you could show up", Karai said snapping her fingers.

Foot bots came at us as we chopped them down like diced veggies.

April stayed with me and Donnie since we were the most capable to 'and willing' to babysit making sure she wasn't in danger while still under our wing.

Using a voice low enough for her to hear I guided her, "behind, left, Duck and reposition!".

She followed justly and managed to cut a few down herself while the others felt with the big boys, "I'll leave her with you".

Don went to join the others, "what do we do".

April cutting the last of the bots looked at me for guidance, "we get the high ground and jump in when they need us".

Following my orders we went up to the cargo boxes watching and listening in.

Leo was fighting Karai but she seemed off, 'what's she doing? She's leaving her left side open?! She never leaves openings like that'.

Worried still I watch over, "Karai you don't have to do this!".

"Do what? Ship military weapons, sorry Leo but im not the goody goody you want me to be", she threw him back as her movements seemed shabby and less polished.

"What would she think if she saw you like this", Leo said antagonizing her more.

"What do you Know!", she pushed him cutting his cheek. "You . . . You know something about her don't you".

Leo felt a bit of regret for saying something but the look on Karai's  face said it all, "I saw her a while back bleeding out".

She went pale hesitating a moment giving Leo the edge he needed to take her down.

"Ugh!", she fell to the floor as he pointed the Katana at her throat.

"We fixed her up and she's better", Karai just looked at Leo in disbelief when they were interrupted by Bradford and Xever.

"Sorry Karai but play times over", Xever kicked the sword away keeping Leo at a distance.

Karai got up but didn't leave, "where is she".

"Karai we dont have time for this! The shredder will have our heads if we're even a second late", Bradford took her running to the vans.

Karai struggled as she tried to break free and seeing this as my only time to signal her that I was okay i acted quickly, "forgive me". Taking out one of the hair pins she gave me a long time ago i wrapped it to a throwing knife sending it her way.

"I SAID LET GO!", a thunk was heard right next to her head as she looked to see a hair pin with a charry blossom to it.

Taking it quickly she looked around but the doors closed before she could see the silhouette of what i had become. The others came to me and noticed my behavior looking worried, "Dudette you okay?".

"We dont have time for her crying There getting away and who knows where there going", Raph stomped around.

"I put a tracker on there car", I said while handing Donnie a little chip.

"What?! when?!", he said taking a look at it and popping it into his T-phone.

Leo gave me a look of empathy, "We need to stop them from making that delivery, (Y/n) if you can help us that would be really great".

Thinking of people that would want the weapons of that caliber there were only three families i could think of, "I know of three people that would be able to get there hands on it".

My face turned to a grim one making everyone uncomfortably on edge, "Well? you ganna spill or are we going to stay creeped out about how vague you're being".

"Raph lay off", Leo said looking back at me. "you need to tell us".

"Donnie you did your homework on the Foot right? What do you know", i said as i walked away heading to the rooftops.

"I know that the Foot have some connection to the Vizioso", He said and i cut him off.

"That would be one but hes one of the weaker branches", I went to the place i had a bad feeling of and the tracker only made my suspicions worse.

"They have everything so locked up thats all i could figure out", he said as we were close to our destination.

"The Foot have throw aways and Top branches or 'buyers'. Vizioso is a weak branch while the main two are located in Japan and they sometimes come over for better in person deals", i paused at a building not to far from the Foots HQ.

"What is this place?", Donnie said looking at all the people flood in.

"No way . . you have got to be kidding me", Raph said stunned.

"Dudes . . .", thats all he could say.

"but why would they be here?!", April questioned.

"(y/n) are you sure this is the right place", Leo asked not looking away from the building.

"Welcome to Aschente Resort, New York's little slice of Vegas and the Number one casino in New York where you can even Bet your life away", the last part made them all look at me.

"Im sorry WHAT!", Raph came my way.

"What do you mean you can bet your life away?", Leo came to me as well.

"Thats a joke right . . You can't actually do that? Guys? . . (Y/n)?", they looked at me in seriousness.

"where do you think most of The Foots underlings came from before they were Robots", i said in a cold manner walking away from them.

"No way, w-we were fighting innocent people who gambled there life away", April said looking devastated.

"Dont sugar coat it they were in no way Innocent, some of those people killed for money and even after they were kicked out bet there lives just to get out of debt", i said sitting on the floor.

"How can you be so Casual about it", Raph said getting fed up with me.

Looking him straight in the eyes i sent instant chills, "This is the life i came from so its normal to me . . Do you understand our differences now 'Hero' . . This is built on the empire of graves and Lust and Greed . . This building is Owned by The Top Branch . . the most powerful family in the underground . . The Akuma's, There the cousins to the Foot clans Empire".

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