painful love

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I was sitting in the living room when Casey jumped over the couch with a hand full of take out from Murakami's store. "Hey there kitten want a bite?".

"not re- Did you just call me 'Kitten'?", i said leaning away from him.

He popped sushi in his mouth, "yeah, wahsh wong wissh ick?".

"first don't talk with your mouth full and second", Taking his food pulling his bandana down and pinned him to the couch with my foot i looked at him. "I can take you down in a heart beat so Don't call me 'kitten' boy".

Taking a sushi roll as payment i gave his food back, "Ay! my roll . . ".

Feeling the need to blow off steam i went to the dojo and Leo was there, "Hey (y/n) . . you okay? you look like your in a bad mood".

i let out a sigh and wobbled over to him wiggling my noodle arms, "i may or may not have stolen your friends sushi roll . . but he called me 'kitten' so it was justified".

He chuckled and pulled me down to him petting my head, "well come here we can fix that bad mood".

I sat next to him, "meditating will make it worse".

"you think?", he raised an eye brow then smiled. "how about this then", He made me lay back against his chest.

At first I was startled but it was comfortable, 'this is nice . . I dont think Ive ever felt so at peace with someone until now'.

Hearing foot steps I moved away and sat myself next to him hiding my semi red face, "Hey were heading out to Murakami's, Mikey dropped Casey's food and now he's throwing a hissy fit about it".

Leo looking annoyed got up, "Alright we'll be there".

He extended his hand and I took it , " . . s-so sushi?". I said pointing at the door feeling shyly awkward.

He just lightly chuckled, "yeah sushi~ come on". Placing his hand behind my back we walked out while he teased me about my shyness.

Casey was being a big baby the whole way there and we were sick of it, "Not only did 'Kitten' Take my sushi but Mikey just Ruined it with water then stepped in it!".

Picking up a stick I threw it at his head, "what did I say cave mouth".

He rubbed the back of his head, "SEE! It was Like That but only with my rolls".

"you deserved it", Leo said passing by.

"he's not wrong", Raph passed him.

Donnie picked up the stick, "We should take this with us so you can get a better shot~".

"Dude that's so messed up . . can i try?", Mikey said trying to get the stick.

He followed along dragging his feet as we entered the restaurant and to my surprise the shop still looked good even if I wasn't here to protect it.

"Welcome its been a while since you have come by", he said to the boys knowing by there smell.

I took my seat and my tail was swaying as i watched him cook, "how are you grandpa~".

His face changed to joy then looked confused, "This is unexpected, I thought you two would not get along well but you have proved me wrong".

with a smile I spoke to him like I use to when I came here, "I've been threw a lot since i was last here . . lot of bad and good, has anyone bothered you lately?".

"no one has bothered me thanks to you good children", he placed the food down and they ate the food like they haven't had anything to eat in years.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now