added to the party

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The staff were waking up meaning we had to get out and go on to part two of our plan.

We left the kitchen while Mikey sent a text to the others about our situation.

Meanwhile on the boys side of things, "you have got to be kidding me".

"What? Did they fail!?", Kaname and Leo were waiting for us.

"Karai found them out and 'joined in'", Leo said rubbing his temple.

Kaname looked over the text letting out a sigh, "I can handle her this wouldn't be the first time".

"Handle her, what are you going to do? She listens to no one but shredder and that's only half listening if anything", Leo had his arms crossed looking skeptical.

"Let's just say we're 'close' and I guess this would be payback for shooting at her", Kaname said fixing his appearance.

Leo still wasn't buying into his way of handling Karai but they didn't have time to argue seeing as they came running in.

"Dudes we barely made it out", Mikey said sweating from the stress.

"Did you really have to go back for that meat?! I can get it for you later!", (y/n) yelled.

"Also was keeping that outfit on necessary?", Karai questioned in a judging tone.

"I wouldn't expect a non-chef to understand", Mikey placed his had and meat in his bag while taking out his mask.

we went ahead and placed the masks on and the sounds coming from the restaurant was horrifying enough, "i feel so bad for those people".

"better them then us", Kaname said handing me an ear piece.

"Karai and I will go with Leo and Mikey to part three while you met up with Raph and Donnie to part two", I nodded taking the bag from him and checking it over.

"Wait im going with you guys? what dont trust me~", she teased.

They all said at once with a straight face, "No we dont",

"Harsh", she shrugged it off while following them out.

Left alone I went threw the vents with an ear piece in, "testing, testing? This is 'Gopher Gary' calling 'Megamind' do you read me?".

"Loud and clear. Be sure to follow my instructions to the letter not to set off alarms".

"What's with the dumb code names any way", Raph keeping an eye out for intruders while they were in security.

Donnie was Manning the cameras and sending me information while keeping the others updated on positions.

"Your going to take the next right and there will be an opening. Once there leave stink weeds heart there and let him take care of the rest", Donnie said and I followed his instructions.

"I got a question for ya Don. How is he going to take care of it and why make (y/n) do this if it was so dangerous?". Raph asked confused on why they let me do this.

"If I'm being honest she was the only one who fit, also once the hearts free he will grow to fit the size of the vent releasing sleeping spores to help with growth", he said explaining in detail.

"Everyone have there mask on?", Donnie said getting the thumbs up.

"Time to get to work then", I took out the heart from the jar placing it on the fan.

Just like Donnie said it started to take root. Crawling fast I got out of there and met them in security from the vents.

"Looks like phase one is in motion and phase two has been planted. All that's left is Leo's side of things", with a nod we left to meet up with the others.

On there side of things Karai was glued to Kaname while Mikey and Leo worked out on luring away the mutants from there stations but from what was happening in the main area there human look outs were mostly gone.

"Karai do me a favor stay with the orange one", Kaname said going to Leo's side.

"What! Why!?".

"We don't trust you just yet", Leo said taking out smoke bombs and a large rag.

"Ready?", Kaname followed his lead.

"Sorry about this Karai but the man has spoken", Mikey was watching from his post.

"I join to help and you still don't trust me", she said glaring at them.

"To be fair you hurt my cousin, gave us death threats, tried to stop us from being hero's and also high jacked our mission", he said in a mellow tone while counting the events on his fingers.

She looked at him with a irritated yet guilty expression, "alright I get it! I messed up . . . A lot. I know I messed up especially with (y/n) and I said things I didn't mean . . She's been the one person by my side yet I . . ", she trailed off.

The boys signaled for them to move while hiding the unconscious Rhino  and Hog.

"Night night Rock steady and Bee-Bop", Mikey closed the closet they shoved them in staffing the lock trapping them.

"They should be in the restricted area here", from here on out we have to pray that all the security went down and half of the guards were knocked out", Kaname said going in first.

The rest followed and just as they planned everyone was fast asleep.

Kaname removed his father to the other room while locking all the guards up.

"He looks so defenseless", Mikey said walking up to shredder.

"What did you guys use?", Karai asked while cautiously walking to him.

"That's a trade secret", Leo said getting out a needle.

"What's that?", they asked.

Leo didn't respond and walked to shredder injecting his neck. "Insurance . . ."

"Bro? What was that", Mikey said looking over the villain.

"What did you do", Karai followed him as he pushed Mikey out of the room.

"I'll explain later but for now be ready".

Shredder started to grown from his slumped state.

"He was supposed to be out cold . . Wasn't he", Mikey panicked.

"It was the only thing strong enough to keep him out but not for a long time. (y/n) said he was almost immune to this stuff", Leo said and Karai agreed.

"Now what? He's waking up!", she said ready to fight.

"Now we take him down while he's still weak".

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