a eye for an eye

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Karai and I where called into uncles room this afternoon for our 'unacceptable behavior', when we got there we were told to stay put in a room.

"Karai I'm freaking out a bit here".

"We'll be fine (y/n)".

"He Never lets us off the hook if he thinks we've done something 'bad'".

She was looking at a picture of her mother and my mother together.

"Do you ever miss them . . Like in times like these", she said looking melancholy.

"Almost every time o close my eyes", I touched my neck to a hidden pendent i had with a picture of me and my mother.

Karai and I had that in common and we bonded because of it, I lost my mother when I was six to a car accident and Karai lost Hers when she was a few months old. They were sisters so were related by blood, after that uncle took me in as his own.

While we were in our feels there was someone in the room and soon multiplied to many people, 'foot soldiers?'.

Karai and I started our attack protecting each other, "behind".



We called out and like a dance we moved as one knocking them to the ground.

"Why did they attack? Did I eat someone's sandwich on accident again?", I said looking over them.

We walked away when they got up again but it was different, 'what? My attacks hit there pressure points!? They should have stayed down'.

There eyes started glowing and attacked us again but this time they were acting different like they could read our movements.

Karai was having trouble while I was dodging and thinking of a new way to knock them out.

"Gah!", one of them fought Karai and I threw a knife at there chest.

"What the!?", sparks came from the soldier.

"ENOUGH!", uncles voice rang out and they stopped.

"The kraang were right, there strong and deadly".

"I thought they would finish us off but you wouldn't let that happen right father?", Karai said looking a bit hopeful.

"I will be going overseas to japan for a short while, I ask that you not confront the turtles again with out orders".

"But", I tried to speak up.

" disobedience comes with a stiff penalty child", he took you his knifes then retracted them as he left the room.

"Even for your daughter", Karai spoke up.

"especially for my daughter", he left the room with those last words.

'He's so cold hearted . . Even to his daughter'.

Needing air I went out of the HQ and was followed by the new bots ordered by uncle to keep an eye on us.

"Man you guys are creepy", I poked at one of them.

Sitting on the edge of the roof top there were foot steps landing on my roof.

Looking behind me it was the turtles . . All four of them this time.

Letting out a sigh I got up and walked to the other side while the foot bots took out there weapons.

"Stop right there- wait who is this chick", the rough voice said pointing a sai at me.

"Dudes that's not Karai".

"(Y/n)? Why are you out here!", Leo said hostile.

"Maybe I just needed air and maybe these stupid things don't listen to me So maybe I was pretending they weren't here", I said irritated.

"You sound like your going threw a lot", the smaller one said.

"Noticeable?", I said holding my arm.

"Just a little", Leo said taking out his katana.

Things were about to get heated when some the bots started to act weird and bugged out all together.

They all turned to me and attacked, "Wa- ah! HEY!!".

Avoiding them I went to the turtles side and threw explosive stars at them.

"Got any idea why your toys are acting up?!", Leo had my back while I took care of some on the front side.

"No I don't? There shredders so- Look out!", rushing to the cute orange masked turtle I helped him from getting double teamed.

"Thanks dudette", he returned the favor by chaining up the ones behind me.

Once they were all out I made sure to stab them in the head.

"Do you really have to do that", the one in purple asked.

"I don't want them getting back up", I said stabbing the last one.

Placing the Tanto back in its Sheath I held it in my hand for a moment, "Sorry . .".

I tossed it over to Leo who caught it looking it over then gave me a smile, "I knew you can be good".

Giving him a half smile I look at the others and sit on the floor, "so it's nice to meet all of you~ I'm (y/n), (y/n) Shen".

"I'm the cute one~ and the most awesome, call me Mikey", he said with a smile.

"Donnie, and the angry one here is Raph", he said having noticeable doubts about me.

"Why are we still talking to her? Shes Foot Clan", Raph said not happy about this.

I gave them a smile but it faded when I felt the eyes, "I have to go . . . There watching me".

Raph pointed his sai at me and I put my hands up, "I don't trust you one bit-".

"I understand that, you don't have to but just know that I'm not like them . . . even i wouldn't hurt an innocent", I said throwing a smoke bomb and leaving.




"Leo was right, she's a strange one", Donnie said puting his bō away.

"I like her she seems nice . . In a bad guy kind of way".

"I still think you guys are giving her to much credit, she's in the Foot! You know, Our Enemy!".

"I think shes just on the wrong side . . Maybe if we help her she will be good", Leo said having hope for her like he did with Karai.

"Look here oh wise leader, some people are in the foot cuz there bad. Not every girl you meet is A damsel in distress", Raph said crossing his arms and giving him a irritated look.

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