This time

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Phase one of our plan hasn't even happened yet and our time was running low. Now a new threat has walked in while it the mitts.

Karai took out a mask covering her face from the toxic smell, "I knew you would come but I didn't expect you to be . . Cooking", she said the last word loosely.

"Don't worry master chef Mikey has the remedy to fix the strong scent", with a quick wink he left me with Karai.

'D-did He Just Leave This To Me!?!'.

Taking in air to compose myself i shifted my mind set, "so what now? Are you going to call guards or turn me in".

I hoped she wouldn't and we could go along with this but not everything is that simple.

She was acting strange after our last conversation, "You saved my life just as much as I did yours . . If I'm being honest I wish you would have just stayed in Japan", with that her expression darkened but she didn't engage in combat like I was expecting.

Feeling her emotions in that moment I felt the need to speak up, "I don't".

She flinched at my words as I went on, "if I stayed I would have never met the people who truly care for me. I would have stayed a puppet to that man and would have never found out the truth".

"The truth?", she said in a cold voice.

Nodding I took out my phone, "my truth . . and yours". I showed her a picture of our mothers together and one with a man that was not Shredder.

Her eyes widened at the sight, "t-that can't be. . . It's not! It can't be!!!".

She took the phone looking at it closer, "it is and you know it . . It's the same picture as the one you have that was burnt".

She kept mumbling to herself, "if it's real then that means . . He was Never my father . ."

She looked at me and back at the phone, "you tried to tell me but I didn't listen . . Leo tried and I thought he was tricking me because I wanted revenge".

I shook my head lightly, "it's alright, sit here and think for a bit".

As she was trying to calm down I heard splashing to my side. Mikey had droped a lot of ingredients into the pot making the smell almost simmer down.

Karai and I in the mitts of our emotions looked in confusion, "h-how is he doing that".

The poor thing was so lost all I could do was try to sooth her, "shhh~ it's better not to question the master chef".

"(Y/n)! You won't believe the cool stuff I found back there", he said as he now had smaller pots out and making a whole new dish. "I can make my own pizzas with the stuff I found".

He was so happy but I had to break his little heart, "Mikey as much as I would love that we got less then ten minutes".

He squinted his eyes and put the oven to high, "I can do it in five".

Baffled and slightly amused i smirked, "it's not our kitchen so knock your self out but it better be done before we leave".

"Why are you encouraging him".

"Someone has to", I said shrugging with a smile on my face.

She looked at me with an aloof expression " . . We made you so unhappy . . ."


"You smiled so naturally. . I use to have to try to make you smile and even then it still felt forced", she let out a slight sigh and got up.


"I'm in", she said with no context.

"Wait what".

"I'm in, what ever you guys are up to I'm In", she said with her arms crossed.

Mikey and I looked at eachother, "(y/n), not to be a total Donnie but is that a good idea".

Rubbing my face in frustration I looked at the clock, "I grew up with her so I can tell you know she won't back down any time soon, We also don't have time".

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now