Friend and secret enemy

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I was told to visit the Purple dragons to make sure they were doing there task like good little underlings.

If I'm being honest all I ever do is show up and eat noodles from my favorite shop.

Walking into the store there was already someone inside, "Mr Murakami it's nice to see you again".

"Ah if it isn't young (y/n) you haven't been here in so long, it's good to hear your voice".

Not knowing what else to do I looked at the young red head a seat away, "is that new? It looks good".

"Huh? Oh yeah you should order some there the best thing I've ever had", she said with a smile.

'She seems nice~'.

"I'll add it to your order", he said while cooking it up.

"Your an angel like always", I placed a 50 in the tip jar as quietly as I could.

i gave the girl a wink while doing it and she smiled at my action.

"Do you come here often?", she asked me curiously.

"I usually do but I've been so busy I haven't been able to stop by", I said trying to make small talk.

"My names April, April O'Neil".

"I'm (y/n), (y/n) Shen".

Her reaction changed for a second but went back to normal as we kept talking.

'Has she heard of me before? Was it the dragons maybe?'.

My order was done and I said my good byes, "I'll come back for more food I promise~ Oh and if the boys give you trouble tell me n I'll beat there heads in, see you later April hope we can eat together again".




She was gone and I Immediately asked Murakami-San about (y/n).

"I know what your going to ask April", he looked conflicted about it.

"She's part of the foot! She comes here for a casual meal?!", she was freaking out.

"She's kind and as you saw she always leaves me a tip, even when I tell her there's no need".

"You knew?", April said impressed.

"I'm blind not deaf, when one goes the other senses become stronger".

They talked about (y/n) for a while till the boys came over and April told them what happened.

"She was here?!", Leo said worried a bit.

"She didn't do anything to you guys did she", Raph said ready to pick a fight.

"No she was really nice actually", April said feeling conflicted.

Donnie was thinking over it while Mikey was to focused on eating.

"She's not a bad person . . She's just with the wrong people", Murakami said defending (y/n) a little.

"Like heck she is, Name one time she's been good", Raph challenged his words.

Murakami thought back to a lot of days, "there are many actually~".

"Really?!", he said surprised.

"If you don't mind can you tell us one", Donnie said looking interested while the others listened.

"On one of these days~" . . .



It was a rainy night and it had just gotten dark when the Purple dragons had come in demanding money, she walked in with a child taking shelter from the rain.

"Eh? Ay girly can't you see we're making a deal here", one of the dragons said walking over while the other two held Murakami by the collar.

"Oh sorry was I suppose to care?", she placed the child on a chair and put her hood over them covering there eyes.

"Cover your ears and don't take it off till big sis tells you to okay~", the small child nodded.

She beat all three of them up and took the money they stole and more leaving them in nothing but boxers as they ran threw the rain.

"AND DONT COME BACK OR ILL TAKE MORE THEN JUST YOUR PRIDE!", she tapped the boy and came to my aide.

"Are you alright sir? You're not hurt are you?", she checked over me and placed all the money back.

She ordered a lot of food and gave it to the small boy, "thank you, how can I ever repay your kindness".

"Just make yummy food and I'll come by when I can to eat it", is what she said then left.



"And that's how I know she's a good person, the boy she gave food to lived in an orphanage that was being haggled by the dragons . . He came by and told me what she did for them. They didn't have enough food to feed the kids but she bought so much food for them", he ended his story and the turtles were troubled with how they felt about her.

"I still think she's bad news", Raph said eating his food.

"I think she's cool", Mikey said enjoying the story.

"She's Just misunderstood I mean she seemed really sweet when I talked to her", April said agreeing with Murakami.

"It's a fifty fifty for me I can't agree one hundred percent just yet", Donnie stayed undecided.

"She's good i know it", Leo said determined about it.

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