My pain is mine alone

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When i got back to base i was stopped by the Foot bots and taken to the Throne room.


fighting them off they out numbered me and no matter how many i smashed there was always another to take its place.

They tossed me over to Bradford who held me in his unproportionate and clumsy hands, "struggling will do you no good".

Karai walked in mad at me for helping the turtles,  as she didn't even look at me till she sat on the throne.

"Karai?!", i said sounding confused yet angry.

"You disobeyed me".


"you turned your back to me and Protected the enemy".

"Im Sorry But It Wasn't Rig-". 

"Because of you and the Kraang I Lost My Chance To Take Vengeance", She slammed her hand on the throne and came down to me.

"There are better ways to handle things but this . . this isnt the way", i said pleading with her.

she was in front of me and took off all my weapons, "You will learn not to disobey me".

she started to sound like her father and it scared me, "k-karai . . your not going to actually do- UGH!".

She kicked my gut in knocked the wind out of me, "Get up".

Breathing heavily i heaved for air she kicked me again while i was down, "I SAID GET UP!".

tears filling my eyes i stood up and held my ground, 'this isnt you . . Karai . .'.

She came at me with everything she had and i held my ground for as long as i could but she was using cheap tricks like splashing blinding powder on me and using the back of her weapon to block me.

when i was about to knock her down she switched the back side of her weapon to the front exposing the sharp blade cutting me.

"Agh! . . y-you just . . ", realizing how serious things were getting i could find no way out aside from jumping out the window.

she slashed me repeatedly on my arms and back even my legs and stomach, "You think your better! I'll Show You Who The Weak One Is! Ive Tried Harder Then Anyone To Get Where I Am And I Wont Let You Ruin IT!".

the last of the attacks were stopped by Bradford and Xever who had been watching from the begining.

"Enough, your going to kill her at this rate", Bradford held Karai back while Xever came to help me.

"come on stay with me", he called but i was bleeding so much and i was getting light headed.

"Take her to stockmen", Bradford yelled as i was rushed out the room.

Baxter was more then confused when i arrived and more surprised i wasn't dead, "What in blazes?!".

"Long story but no time for that now", Xever put me on a table near by.

"R-right, Ill fix her up fast she looks like she lost alot of blood already", Baxter got to work on me while i blacked out in the middle of it.

When i woke up i was in the lowest part of the Foot building . . i was in the prison cells with bandages all over me and the feeling of pain shot threw my body to the point it was paralyzing.

"Gahhh! . . . Uhmmm . .", resting on the floor i tried to focus on my breathing for now while my head was racing.

 'she almost killed me . . ME! of all people . . and i didnt fight back because i was Worried . . Fuck This!', hot tears left my eyes as i fought threw the pain and looked around for anyone.

lifting my arms was even harder as i looked for a hair pin to jam it in the lock and escape the cell.

"ill be an idiot if i stay here any longer", looking around i went threw the vents to escape.

I had done this when i was younger to look at the stars at the observatory but this time i would be using it to escape a place i saw as my home.

'i cant be here anymore', When i broke out the vent i was in a back alleyway on rooftop level.

the drop was steep but i had to take it, "dont scream".

Jumping down my legs gave out as i held in the pain, "Ughhhh! . . ." curled up in a ball for a few moments.

"i-im okay . . just keep moving", i went as far away as i could to the point it was aimless as i just kept going as far as my feet would take me.




The turtles were on patrol and since that encounter with Karai and (y/n) they haven't seen her in almost a week.

April joined them this time so they had to take things slow, "Come on April just trust yourself".

"Don this is her tenth building, are you going to baby her every building we jump or is the tenth one special", Raph said looking annoyed.

"Dude she's a beginner, these things take time".

April was about to jump when she saw something a few rooftops over.

"April? everything okay", Donnie called out then she flipped on a dime running to the silhouette.

"Where is she going- . . .  Oh no", Leo went the same way April was heading.

The others watched them and followed, "And why are we going this way?".

"Whats up is there a mutant who needs a butt woopin?!".

"What did you guys see!?".

Leo moved faster then the others and got to (y/n) before the rest even had a chance to see her in her dazed state.

As soon as she started going down Leo didn't hesitate to catch her, "(y/n)?!, (Y/N)!".

The others caught up to see her covered in bandages stained in blood with more coming out, "Oh my god . . i knew i saw her but i didn't think she was this badly hurt".

"Leo, what do we do? if we leave her like this . .", Mikey said watching the life in her face leave her.

"She needs medical attention now", Donnie took a look at her hold checking for a pulse.

"We have to take her back", Picking her up Leo turned to them.

"Back! you mean to the lair!? SHES OUR ENEMY!", Raph said yelling at the ridiculousness.

"Raph we have to . . she'll die if we dont", April said trying to reason with him.

 Going down threw the man hole they took (y/n) back to the Lair . . . meanwhile at the Foot clan HQ things were getting worse.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE!", Karai getting frantic mistook 'gone' for dead.

"Calm down i didnt mean it that way, you didnt kill her but shes not in her cell anymore", Xever said clearing up the misunderstanding.

Letting out a long sigh and holding her head she sank to the floor,"thank goodness".

"You did almost kill her thats for sure", Baxter said coming in with her report.

"WHAT!?!", Karai was so angry she was blinded and ended up taking it out on the one person she was close with.

"no no no no no", taking the paper she read it over.

"B-broken ribs . . Laserations to back, stomach, and arms . . .  blood loss . .", she dropped the papers and ran to look in the cells and her room but she was not there.

She looked in all there favorite places but nothing, She looked in every room but found nothing, "Karai shes not here we already looked".

"No . . if shes not here then where is she", karai looked out the window and wondered where (y/n) went.

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