mission time

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We were called to the dojo to speak with master splinter. "(Y/n), you have been threw a lot since you fled from the foot and came to live here, in those short weeks you have shown much maturity and growth", he said while pacing.

"Thank you splinter", I said bowing.

He paused but kept going, "My sons, you are to make sure she comes back Unharmed. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time".

He said and they held there heads down, "uncle don't be to hard on them . . It was my recklessness that put me in that situation".

He liked it when I called him uncle and would lighten up a bit, "you learned from it I hope".

"Yes sir", I said giving him a heart warming smile.

"Go on your way and remember to not act unless you absolutely need to", he said and we got up.

"Hai Sensai", we all said.

Before we took one step he added, "Don't speak to strangers!".

"H-hai Sensai", he said turning back a bit then walked a bit more.

"Everyone is a Stranger!".

"Sensaiiii", we whined and he finally let us go.

When we left Donnie filled us in on activity that was happening around the docks and market area.

Leo thought it was good to at least check it out, "were just going to scope it out and if nothing looks off then we move on to our other routes".

When we got there nothing seemed off so we started talking, "this is the second time I've been to the docks".

"Really? How long have you been here?!", Raph said looking skeptical.

"Maybe half a year or more", I said sheepishly.

"I don't blame you for not being able to go where you want, I mean you were in the foot not to mention under there rules for a while", Leo said understanding my situation.

"It's cool having you on our side now!" ,Mikey said excited.

"We can learn things from you since you're a real life Kunoichi", Donnie said complimenting me.

"What about me?! I'm a kunoichi too", April said offended.

"N-no what I mean is that she's more experienced . . N-not to say your bad just that she has more years under her belt", Donnie was sweating beads.

"He means to say that I was raised learning the art while you are a beginner", I said helping him out.

"E-exactly", he said with a nervous grin.

April looked a little pouty, "if you want April I can help you? I'm more use to practicing my teachings on females so it would help if you could also be my training partner".

I said it as sweetly as possible and she softened a bit, "I would like that a lot~ Heck I need all the help I can get".

"There's nothing for us to take care of here so lets go check out the other areas", Leo said standing up as we headed to the rooftops.

When we got to the near by buildings something caught my eye, "huh? h-hey guys wait I think I see someone".

"How can you see anyone? It's so dark", Raph remarked.

"She can see better in the dark", Donnie said taking out goggles.

I was looking at a small person in the distance then others came out holding boxes as a truck came from hiding and it had a logo I recognized.

I let out a light gasp, "t-that's the overseas cargo logo".

"What?! Are you sure", Leo took a look himself.

"I'm sorry the what", April asked confused.

"The Foot have a strong connection in organized crime over seas in japan and that's one of there undercover logos . . T-they sell everything from slaves to illegal weapons and more", my face went pale just thinking about it.

"And you tell us this Now!?!", Raph said yelling at me a bit not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"I-it never came up", I said looking apologetic.

"Dude leave her alone she's been threw a lot", Mikey defended.

"Poor thing got betrayed and turned into a mutant, don't blame her for not spilling everything about the Foot", April backed me up.

"In anycase we need to know what there up to! (Y/n), any ideas?", Leo asked me while scoping out the area.

Looking at the situation my nose picked up a funny smell but I couldn't pin point what it was, "that last things I can remember were shredder coming back from Japan with a new mutant but that's about it".

Raph looked at me with doubt while Leo nodded, "alright we need to get close and find out what there up to".

We moved closer hiding behind the cargo boxes watching from above, "make sure these are marked! shredder won't be happy if any of these get busted".

'Karai . .', hearing her voice brought back bad memories and I shook out of reflex.

Leo places his hand on mine making sure I was alright and I gave him a nod as I took in a quiet breath.

'This is not the time to get emotional (y/n)', I said to myself.

"Load up the van! We have an hour before the hand off", Karai over sees most of this work with out me half the time of it was ' delicate' goods.

'This is military grade weapons . . Who was it being sold to?', looking for clues I heard something behind us.

Tapping Leo he signaled the others and we moved locations, "Xever what is it?".

"I thought I saw someone but it must have been those birds", he said going back to the others.

Letting out a sigh we took out our weapons, 'on Leo's signal we engage . . I just gatta keep my mouth shut so she won't know'.

Leo gave us the go from our positions as we came from the port side facing them dead on.

'This is ganna be one hell of a fight', I thought as I prepared for anything.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now