lets play doctor

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When I woke up I was in an all to familiar prison cell with my wrist chained up and a muzzle on my face.

'Things keep getting worse'.

I didn't know how long I was out but I know they wouldn't let me go again, " . . . I'm so dead . . ".

I didn't expect anyone to reply while talking to myself but they did and it was the person I had lost the most trust in . . .

"You're awake, it's about time", she said in a sassy and annoyed tone.

"Karai . . So you came to finish me off or something, did he find out? Is that why I'm here?", I said trying to understand why I wasn't brutally hurt yet.

"No, you are hear by orders of Shredder and you will not be harmed For now", Tiger claw came out of the shadows.

"Why are you here!", Karai said visibly pissed off by his presence.

"I was told to keep an eye on her while she's here in case you tried to kill her or if she tried to escape", he said calmly.

"WHAT!?! Unbelievable, I can't even talk to her with out having a baby sitter around", she stormed off.

'She seems easily irritable'.

"We have a surprise for you later so for now sit tight till it's time to ship you off", he said nothing more and I was left in my own thoughts.

'Shipped off? Am I going back to Japan . . . No that wouldn't make sense . . . But they won't kill me? What are they planning'.

The chains were removed and I was taken to the all to familiar throne room, "stop dragging your feet".

"Your one to talk", I said to Bradford making Xever snicker.

"You haven't changed, just your looks", he said getting a good look at me.

"At least no one wants to eat me like you", I said glancing at Bradford with a smile hitting him with my tail.

He stayed stunned for a few seconds, "is that true?!".

"Eh he~ anyways (y/n) how was life with the turt-", he was cut off by Tiger claw who bashed a hole right next to my head.

He locked eyes with me and it made my tail and back stand on end, "w-what, you want to fight!?!".

He didn't respond and came closer to me taking a good sniff, "if it wasn't for the Masters plan for you I would have shown you true hell child".

He pushed me along and we walked in the room while making everyone silent, "(Y/n) you look repulsive, this afternoon you will be transferred to the Kraang to 'adjust' yourself".

"You're going to hand me to the Kraang . . To 'fix' me . . They don't even know how to fix most of your stuff", I said not afraid to speak my mind.

"Seems like you've gotten brave or you lost your mind seeing as your talking back, don't question me and do as your told or should I send you to your mother", he said coldly.


"Get her ready to leave and make sure Karai stays away from her . . . I do not want a repeat of what happened when I left", that was his final words.

"Understood!", they all said back taking me out of the room.

"THIS IS CRAZY! LET ME GO!!", I was fighting but they picked me up throwing me over there shoulder.

"Silence child", Tigerclaw asserting some type of dominance he growled making me go into a fight or freeze mode.

They took me to an all to familiar Laboratory that smelled of rot and musk, "so she really did turn into a mutant".

Baxter was snickering and having fun looking me over, "how interesting~ mind if I take some samples".

He picked up a few syringes but his plan was stopped, "we have our orders Baxter, do not harm the girl . . ."

"we have to get her ready for the vet", Bradford laughed pulling at my tail.

"she needs to get her shots, we don't know where she's been", Xever added playing with my hair.

' . . . this is just weird', making a face of disgust i tried to move away but couldnt do much when tied up.

Baxter shooed them away coming with a needle i knew well, "have a good rest . . . hopefully you dont come back worse".

"w-wait! Worse?!?", was the last thing i said before my vision faded.

The kraang came just in time to take (y/n) away in a truck, they were told to try and fix the girl but "how" was the question they would have to solve.

Not doing what the Shredder said would come with . . . deadly consequences they have seen first hand, "Kraang, what is plan for the test subject".

"Reverting the one known as (y/n) to human form is in testing stage beta. The mutagen that made the Mutant is classified as 'not to standards' on earth".

"Kraang is right, mutagen will need to be altered along with the DNA of the Mutant girl for suitable results for Kraang".

For the next three days (y/n) was poked and prodded for results for the Kraang. They did so much only to gain so little, in the end (y/n) could be turned human but not the way the Kraang wanted.

She was able to change back to a human but under to much stress she would change back to her mutant form, along with overly extreme emotions and or attacks and threats on her life.

When it was time to return the girl she was human but the Kraang did not dare tell Shredder about the other things they couldn't fix, they had no part in her being human in the first place. The only reason she changed back was by her bodies own will to evolve for survival.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now