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A warm sensation seemed to cover you while a light drip was heard next to you. In a sluggish and sore state you tried to get up but failed to do so, Opening your eyes seemed to be difficult as well.

"Its been weeks already, when will she change back".

Voices seemed to be talking about something, "It depends on if she can on her own".

'who is that', I felt a hand on my back as I lay still.

"I'm glad she got smaller after all that but I'm still worried".

'Leo? he's worried . . smaller? I've always been shorter then him', Finally forcing my eyes to open I saw that he was Much bigger then i remember.

The more I looked around I noticed Everything was Much bigger then me, 'w-whats going on'.

"Look she's waking up", Mikey came over looking at me eye level startling me.

"careful Mikey she might be disoriented", Donnie moved him away giving me space.

Leo still had his hand on me but it was taking a lot more space then I remember, "Its alright don't be scared".

He was trying to sooth me but I was very confused. I tried to speak but it took a lot just for me to form words, "What . . happened".

"She can talk!", Mikey said from the other side of the room.

Donnie came over with medical supplies, "Don't worry I can explain later let me just take a quick look at you first".

With a little nod he looked you over, "She's alright just scared, we can take her off the IV for now so she can explore a bit".

'explore? I've been here before though?', as I tried to get up I noticed something very wrong.

"W-why Do I Have Paws!! Why am I so . . Close the the ground?!".

"Exploring wasn't the best idea . . Alright calm down". Donnie took me from Leo setting me in front of a Mirror on a lab table.

"I-I'm a cat . . Like a Cat, Cat!".

"(Y/n), when you were fighting shredder what's the last thing you remember?". Leo asked.

"Being thrown out the window? . . . How am I alive", I said remembering only that much and after that it was blank and fuzzy.

"Your mutant side went ballistic and well . . You kinda ripped shredder to pieces", He rubbed his arm while Donnie pulled up a chart.

"See this on the left. That is your DNA as a mutant. Now see this on the right, that's your DNA now".

"I don't see a difference? Am I missing something?", I said looking closer.

"Nope. I did all types of test with blood and even a look into genetic altercations but nothings changed at all. You being This way was all you", Donnie said intrigued by his findings.

"So you don't know how I can change back but me being the size of a cat is all My doing".

"Oh not an average cat but a Domesticated Savannah cat", he was way to eager for my liking.

"We can work in changing you back (y/n). Donnie offered to document the whole thing so we can help others that are stuck in there mutant forms", Leo said helping me off the table.

"Great~ just what I needed".

We left the lab going to the living room we're everyone was sitting. With a loud gasp April came over, "(y/n) your awake!".

She didn't hesitate to hug me and I nuzzled her cheek, "April~ I'm glad to see you".

"Oh she can talk? I thought, since she's a cat she couldn't speak", Raph came over petting my head.

"For a guy with a smart mouth I shouldn't have to remind you I have claws", I said hissing Making him retract.

A voice I wasn't expecting came from beside me, ". . . (Y/n) your awake".

I looked over to see Karai with splinter, 'she came with us . .'. A feeling of relief and a bit of happiness took my heart but a bit a fear controlled my head.

She wanted to get close to me but my body's reaction didn't match with my thoughts. Moving away and having distance between us, 'I'm glad she knows the truth and came with us but my body wants to run away from her'.

She looked sad as she went back into the dojo, "my niece may I speak with you?".

"Y-yes", following him to the couch we spoke.

"My daughter has done much to hurt you and I understand your hesitation to be around her. A battle of body and mind is never easy, scars do not always heal completely", he pet my head and gave me a smile.

"What your saying is . ."

"If you choose to forgive her or not is for you to decide. I know you can see the good in others even if you were hurt, everyone is capable of change if they set there mind to it young one", he got up and left to the dojo.

Mikey who was listening from behind jumped over, "you know since you've been asleep she's always checked up on you".


"Umhumm~", he had his mouth full of food. "Mashter hash been talkin to her a lot".

"Mikey finish before speaking".

April came over, "she's been doing . . Better . . Not all good but she has been worried about you".

"I still don't like her", Raph said snatching Mikey's food.

"Ay!". They started fighting.

"I don't know . . I want to but I have to much trauma from it all . .", I said looking up at her.

"It's only if you feel like forgiving her, no one will force you to if you don't want to", April hugged me.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now