Dinner date

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It had been almost two weeks since ive seen any of the boys or our friends and it was showing, "So~ how did you too turn into mutants?".

"How?! Those rotten Turtle freaks is how!", Anton the boar said letting out hot air from his nose.

"What How?!? you can Literally Turn Invisible!", shocked I questioned that logic.

"It is long story, I don't wish to speak on it anymore", Ivan the Rhino said looking dejected.

'so they turned like this because of the guys', somehow the thought made me smile a bit.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from down the hall making me turn with out a thought, "what are you lookin at?".

Anton questioned me and i had to think of something fast, "i-i thought i saw a bug".

"oh hey look it is big tiger, quick look like we are good guards", they stood next to me like soldiers.

'pfft . . . this would be so funny if it wasn't so messed up'.

Tiger claw was followed by karai, "child, we will be going to the lower floor to get you ready".

"ready? . . . . oh i see".

"out of tradition I have to go to but I dont have to wear 'That' like you do", she said not looking at me.

"That?", not understanding I questioned her.

"you'll see~", she teased.

just as they said i was taken to a room with women and no mutant guards but human ones, 'this could be my chance to-'. A high voltage sound was heard with a click and my heart started racing. 't-the choker . . . i almost forgot about it'.

trying to relax the women here didn't look so happy to be dressing me either and i felt bad for them, 'if i leave everyone here could be punished . . . shit. . . i need an opening but I don't have Any!'.

They dressed me in a traditional kimono that dragged on the floor, it was modernized in some aspects letting the arms be loose and flowing and the color was a light blue that faded to a dark blue to the bottom.

my hair done up with a pin and shoes to match the kimono, "this is stiff . . .".

"forgive us miss, may we do your makeup now", they waited for me.

'the younger ones were shaking while dressing me . . i cant give them a hard time', i nodded letting them finish.

after the torture i was escorted down to the others and i did so with honor as i carried myself with Pride and Elegance, not for others but for me.

"well behaved i see", Shredder said as i was helped into the car.

Nodding i stayed silent thinking about when a good time would be and it was practically given to me by Shredder him self, "before the dinner you will meet the son of Mr. Akuma, I assume we wont have any trouble".

He gave me a glare with a knife pointed at me, "may i ask why this meeting is so important you had me kept alive?".

"what? you dont know?! Thats insane you've been planned to do this since we were kids!? the enga-".

"karai", he said making her quiet. "there is a reason i did not tell you and its because back then he had weak ties but now its needed".

Karai looked like she had her own questions only looking at me and Shredder, " . . . i see, its for power then. If i was told back then i would have prepared better i guess".

looking out the window we arrived as i thought back on my actions and how they seemed meaningless now, "Miss (Y/n), welcome to Aschente Resort. We are pleased to have you as our guest".

one of there personally trained guards escorted me out of the car, "My name is Nagi, i will be taking care of you as you stay here".

I didnt say anything and followed him to where i needed to be, "wait in here miss".

I was taken to a room with no windows and very high walls and ceiling, only a few pieces of decoration and a couch in the middle. Being careful i walked in slowly not sitting looking at the art on the wall.

'somethings off', feeling a bad vibe I backed away from the wall and to the couch. 'someones watching me'.

just as i was about to investigate the opposite door opened letting in a boy dressed in a suit with a hat covering his face so I couldn't see him well.

"Its been a while my rare beauty~ did you miss me while we were apart (y/n)".

"what?", i said taking a step back. 'who is this guy'.

he came closer slowly, "Dont tell me you forgot already? thats just mean".

thinking it over i havent met many men around my age other than, " . . . .your voice . . . you're the boy from the rooftop".

"thats not where we met though, remember what i said? we are old friends", he came to me but i felt no ill intent from him.

'w-what do i do', confused and frightened i stood my ground.

"i never told you my full name and that was for your safety", he touched my arm gently. "Im Kaname, Akuma Kaname. your very first friend if i remember correctly".

My eyes widened at the name and the memory of the small boy brought tears to my eyes as i now realize this boy was what he turned out to be, "y-y-you're . . . Kaname . . . ."

"dont cry", he removed my tears and gave me a smile.

"we will be married soon so we will have alot of time to explain why i couldn't see you till now".

I was hit with more shock, "MARRIED!".

my sudden outburst startled him, "y-yes? we have been engaged for years . . since we were children actually".

"t-that whole time . . we were . . and you . . with me? . . . i-i dont . . but-", i couldn't think properly and my head was spinning from it.

"you didnt know", he held my hand sitting me down.

with a very quiet and soft voice i spoke sadly, "n-no i didnt . . . all these years and i never knew. I never knew it was you . . . . i didnt know about this . . . . why now".

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now