Do I know you?

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The boy was in the shadows making it hard for us to see him.

"Who's There! I'm not afraid to turn you I to a training dummy", I said taking out my weapon.

My face was well hidden along with my other new fluffy attachment since I thought they got in the way.

"Easy down girl", he said playfully coming out with his hands up.

The boy looked familiar but I shook it off, "what do you want".

"No the question is what do You want~ seeing as your friends are snooping around", he said looking back as I saw them run out the building.

"Im not telling you", I said swinging my chain.

"Kick this guys butt (y/n)!", Mikey watched from his seat while April stayed close to Mikey.

"Y-you wouldn't hurt an unarmed man would you", he said backing up a bit.

"He's lying Dude totally has arms!", Mikey being my little cheering squad made it some what hard and April's forehead was getting red from all the face palming.

"If your on this side of town I highly doubt your unarmed", I said wrapping the chain around him.

"Ga- so you play rough . . It's good that I play rougher", he turned and stepped on my chain making me part from it.

"Not bad for a spoiled little rich boy",I said while pointing out his suit.

"Not bad for a very violent but oh so adorable lady", he said taking out a gun.

"I don't think you understand how trash talk works, also a gun really?", I said switching to a defense tactics.

"It's not in my nature to be vulgar unless it's called for", he spun the gun around then took aim.

"That's cheating!", April disarmed the man with her fan.

"Nice aim you're getting better", I praised her and kicked the gun away.

"Devilish aim more like it, could have taken my fingers if she wanted", he rubbed his hand.

I walked up to him and yanked him by his tie, "we can do this the easy way or the hard way~ so do you wanna drop off the building or walk down the way you came".

His face went pale as I was the only thing in between safety and a sudden descent of the building.

"I-I got it I'll go but first", he tugged my scarf down and pulled it off exposing my ears along with it.

Startled I threw him to the side holding my sickle to his neck, "you have three seconds to answer . . Who are you and what do you want".

He didn't looked shocked at all but it made sense since he saw Mikey watching and said something about the guys before.

"Just wanted to see what came of my old friend is all", he kicked my Sickle away and flipped him self back up walking to the edge.

"Old friend?", I said confused.

He smiled and said something that stuck with me, "you sure have grown (Y/n)~ see you later"

Before I could ask anything more he jumped off, "HEY!".

He was gone when we looked over the edge and I was filled with questions.

"Did you know that guy?", April asked.

"No, . . . if I did I don't remember", I spoke quietly.

Mikey gasped dramatically making us look at him immediately, "what if he's your lover from a past life!! Like in that book April brought over about the cool wizard and his princess girlfriend".



"You need to start bringing me Horror themed books", she nodded.

They boys came back from there task looking grim, "Hey . . guys?", April looked over at there expression.

Leo took my hand and kept walking, "We're going back to the lair".

Confused i staggered a bit from the sudden hand holding, "huh? w-wait what happened?! L-Leo?".

Looking at the others April was with Donnie while Mikey was trying to get info out of Raph who only resaved a slap on the back of the head.

"Ow! dude that hurt", rubbing his head he kept at it.

"Don what happened", April asked but he only gave a half smile while placing his hand on her back guiding her forward.

I looked up at Leo and it looked like he was about to kill someone, "Leo . . what happened . .".

He looked at me for a sec and held on to my hand tighter, "we'll talk about it when we get home".

I've seen him serious but this was another level of it and it was starting to scare me a bit, 'what happened in there'.

I stayed in my thoughts as we went back to the Lair and the boy who knew my name stayed in the back of my mind as I worried for the leader in blue.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now