escape the rich madness

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Rushing to the edge of the building they shot out make shift grappling guns and attached them to the other side.

Nagi was first to come threw the door with Anton and Ivan right behind him looking beat up, "NO! Miss (Y/n), You monsters Let Her Go!".

The boys got ready to leave and Leo extended his hand to me, "Come On (Y/n), Lets go!".

Looking back for a second I apologize as I take hold of Leo's hand, 'I'm sorry Kaname but I . .'

Hugging Leo tightly as he holds us I whisper softly, "I choose you".

He must have heard me since his grip tightened a bit. Making it to the other side I saw the others looking over to us and attempting to take the same line but the boys cut it in time.

"You alright", Raph asked cutting down our line.

"i-im alright", Feeling embarrassed I covered my face a bit with the oversized sleeves that draped down.

"we made it in time but we cant rest now", Leo said placing me down looking behind us.

"We got to go quick, They are as bad as the military and Will find us if we stay up here any longer", Donnie took a look at my choker with a disturbed expression. "not to mention the shock collar with the built in tracker she has on will have to be our top priority".

"wa- how did you know?", I said baffled.

"There's a signal coming from it, we need to buy time to get this thing off before they find us and shock you. Its high voltage so one long shock and you're out", he sent a chill down my spine while explaining things to us.

"not to freak anyone out but there are some shady dudes running over", Mikey said pointing to the street.

Leo picking me back up ran for a while but no matter how far we got they were close behind not giving us time to get this off of me.

"Why don't we just fight these Losers?!".

With out any hesitation I apposed to it, "NO! they are military grade soldiers trained in assassination and combat not to mention they have fire arms that can tear you apart!".

He flinched at my desperation to not fight them, "t-then what do we do".

thinking it over a smelled something funky in the distance, " . . . you told me about a mutant that was made of plants".

"Stink weed?", Mikey said.

"yeah! we'll he's close".

"He's ALIVE!", Raph yelled looking at Donnie.

"so that's why it moved . . hehe. .", Don let out a little chuckle averting eye contact.

"What did you have in mined? . . . Wait you don't want to-".

"Yes Leo I do, we have to or we wont get anywhere with this tracker", They nodded and i pointed the way.

Stink weed was sleeping away in a deep water way with drains and glowing pods all around. Leo and the boys didn't make a sound as we entered and Donnie got to work trying his best to get it off of me.

He signaled for ten minutes and the boys scattered into the shadows laying traps as footsteps came closer. Out of fear I shut my eyes and held my arm, 'Please, Please hold them off'.

They came in quietly and looked at the strange Pods when one of them stopped and looked closer, "s-sir there are people inside!".

"You idiot, don't make a sound we don't know what's down here". I saw a root vine slowly move along the grids going to the sound of the men.

As I watched Donnie was swiftly making use of the time and the sound of the high voltage powering down put me at ease. He let out a sigh and worked on taking it off next.

The large plant creature took them by surprise as it flung more then half of them to the wall while the other half shot there guns at it only leaving small holes it was easily able to fix.

I covered my ears and a loose feeling around my neck turned my attention to donnie, 'Its off!'.

He took my hand and dropped the choker in a pod. Holding me up hands came from the shadow pulling me to safety.

We got out of that mess and everything seemed to be going as planned, "That was way to much stress for a chill dude like me".

Mikey placed his weight on me hugging my arm, "I missed you to~". I pet his head while he looked happy to see me again.

Leo let out a sigh and Raph gave him a smirk, "We should get going back to the lair while we can". Donnie said while pulling Mikey along.

"right~", I followed and my happiness must have shown because my ears popped out surprising me and the others. "Ah- . . . i-i thought I couldn't turn back?!?".

"This nights just full of surprises", Don said with a glimmer in his eye.

"Test her later nerdling", Raph pushed him along.

Trying to feel them my tail was trying to find freedom from my clothes, "why just the ears and tail? why not all the way?".

Leo picked me up as i struggled, "Pardon me, we do need to hurry so stay like this for a while".

His face was red a bit and i felt a bit of a breeze from behind and I realized why he insisted on holding me, "d-d-did you see!".

"Nope, saw nothing. I know nothing, why what did you see? not me nope", he said as his face got a little brighter and only looked forward.

My face was a tomato as i hid my face, 'He totally Saw!'.

The Night had just started while we raced to safety from the worlds worst villains trying to kill or capture us.

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