Let's meditate on it

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When we returned i was in a mix of emotions but the one thing that was bothering me was the urges i was suppressing.

"(Y/n), you're coming with me", Donnie pushed me from behind into the Lab.

"Im going to", April came along following closely.

"You guys tell splinter I'll help them out", Leo came with us too closing the door.

Donnie had me sit down and was going to take some of my DNA and that was fine, 'a few bits of spit and this should be done-'.

"Alright now give me your arm", He had Needles for alot of blood samples.

Donnie was about to take my blood and my body kinda did its own thing and slapped him in the face with my tail, "Ack- . . . (y/n) i know you dont know how to control your mutant form but could you move your tail".

"i-i dont know how", i said trying to grab it myself but its like it had a mind of its own.

Leo stood behind me and grabbed it from behind, "HEEee!". I let out a little squeal surprising everyone.

"Sorry!? d-did i hurt you?", he let go of my tail as soon as i made that sound.

"d-dont do that . . it felt weird", i said with little tears building up in my eyes.

They froze at the sight of me holding my tail looking like i was going to cry, " . . . w-what?".

"Nothing",Leo and Donnie said looking away.

"Your just so . . cute", April said still staring at me.

'c-cute?!? I'm A Specially trained Kunoichi Who Can Kill People Using A Butter Knife . . . Im Not Cute', my emotions were all over the place and i got irritated easily.

Splinter came in with the boys and placed his hand over his mouth for a second, "(y/n), how did this happen".

Coming closer to me i felt an urge that i couldn't suppress, 'dont . . dont do it'. I started to growl and show my teeth while clawing at the seat i was on trying to stop my instinct.

"Shes fighting her animal instinct, Leo, Raph hold her down while i take the sample", Donnie said getting ready to take my blood.

The boys held me only making the aggression I was suppressing worse, "Let Go". In a low growl I spoke making them only hold on tighter.

My eyes locked onto Donnie as me came closer but I fought back almost knocking Leo and Raph over.

Master splinter having seen enough came over putting two fingers on one side of my neck, "Ugh?!".

I felt paralyzed as Donnie quickly toon the blood he needed and put me in a large cage for the time being.

Some time passed as I was finally able to move and somewhat calm as I looked threw the bars, "are you alright".

Leo was sitting in a chair next to me,"how long have you been there".

"Since you were paralyzed, I wanted to keep an eye on you", he said passing me water.

Taking it I chugged it all, "gah~ thanks".

He got up and opened the cage making me back up a bit, "L-Leo I don't think-".

"I trust you not to go crazy", he extended his hand.

"You have to much faith in me", taking it he walked me out of the lab.

Still holding my hand he took me to the dojo, "this helps me when I'm having troubles so I thought it would help you".

Stopping under the tree he let go of my hand sitting on the floor, "come on sit with me".

Following his lead I sat beside him placing my hands on my knees just as he did.

"Close your eyes and try to let all your frustrations leave your mind", he closed his eyes and so did I.

'My frustration . . . That doesn't begin to cover it . . . Where did it all go wrong . . When I came here? . . . No, my training in Japan? . . . No . . It was when-'.

"(Y/n), Hey come on", Leo was calling me as I snapped out of my meditation.

"Huh? H-how long was I here for", rubbing my eyes I looked up to him.

"About two hours, come on it's time for dinner", he helped me up.

"Two hours?", I said not believing him. "It only felt like a few minutes", mumbling as I walked behind him.

"Meditation is good for you, next time you feel like you have an urge try meditating again", he gave me a smile while giving me advice.

"Please~ if you feel like messin stuff up use the dummy, better then closing your eyes and spacing out", Raph said mocking Leo.

"Actually I agree with Leo, if she's having instinctual urges then it's better to calm her down then to rile her up", Donnie said while eating.

"Dudette if you ever need someone to talk to big bro Mikey's all ears", he said placing a slice of pizza over his heart.

"Big bro?", I giggled at his adorable proposal. "How old are you anyway? If anything I think I'm older".

"Wa? no way", Raph said looking my way.

Letting out a scoff I grinned, "I'm 16, born (month/day), what about you?".

He clicked his tongue with out answering, "we're 15, that's not fair~ I wanted to be a big bro".

"Her hight is anything but big", Raph said snapping back.

"At least she's strong enough to hold her own that hight doesn't matter", Leo said patting my back leading me to the chair.

"Oooooo", the boys said. "Oh snap", Mikey said.

Master splinter came in the room, "am I interrupting something".

'I knew he was listening', I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

He just smiled back at us, "nothing at all sensai".

"Just a friendly conversation between family~ right", looking over at Raph as I took my slice of pizza.

"Humph", he avoided my gaze.

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