what, why, and how.

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I have been joining them in there training as an observer the past few days I've been 'mutated', Donnie would go straight to the Lab after training while Raph stayed to train more leaving Leo and Mikey to fight over the Tv for video games or space heros.

Today was one of those days and Leo has won the Tv leaving Mikey to retreat into his room, "This is when i find out if the Team is saved from the invaders on sector 3".

"you really like this show~", I sat down on the bean bag joining him.

"Its only the best show ever! you'll like it ~", he turned on the tv and it started playing.

We got into the first half of the episode when Donnie came over calling for me, "(y/n) im going to need to talk with you".

'why did he word it like that . . now i feel like im in trouble'.

Leo had a disappointed face as i got up and left, "okay right behind you".

As i went with Donnie to the lab i felt the mischievous ninja following not to far behind, 'whats he up to this time?'.

I enjoy Michelangelo's company because he never fails to make me laugh, One time he went around throwing water balloons at everyone but missed me every chance he had.

Sitting down while Donnie was on the computer he turned the screen my way, "From the DNA we took I found what type of animal you were mutated with, The genetic code was altered so much that you don't have most of its usual characteristics".

"usual characteristics? like what", i asked while taking a look.

"for starters your a Snow Lynx but the color of your fur is not that of a snow lynx, when i looked more into it you might be a mixture of different type of wild cats.", he pointed to my patterns and solid colors.

"so im more then just one type of cat?".

"Precisely~ See the solid part and your golden eyes?, I hypothesize that your part jaguar here. Your stripes on your face and arms are the patterns of a tiger. Lastly your body looks like it was meant for scaling tall and narrow areas? Not to mention the possibility of your speed". He tapped my leg with a ruler while looking me over.

"Im different types of cat and i was lucky to get the best parts of them", I said looking myself over.  "what about my tail? all those cats don't have a fluffy tail?".

Donnie pulled up a chart that had different cats i was made up of, " See this big percentage? thats your Lynx side and this little one is domestic cats~ your made up of 5% domestic".

"well nice to know im at least 5% familiar", i said jokingly.

My ears twitched a bit and with out warning ducked out of my chair, "Aww! (y/n) you're not suppose to Duck!".

Mikey said from above me, "Sorry Mikey but cats don't like water~".

Donnie unfortunately got hit in the face with the water balloon, "Mikey . . what did i tell you ABOUT MESSING AROUND IM MY LAB!".

'uh-oh~', Donnie was calm for the most part but unlike Raph who was the residential angry boy, Don tried to keep his anger under wraps.

Seeing this as my time to go I left the lab leaving Mikey on his own to word off the angry Donnie, "Hey you all done in there?".

Leo was stretching from his spot on the floor, "hey Leo~ Did it finish already?".

"Yeah, theres always next time", he said getting up.

Letting out a sigh as i plopped myself back on the couch, "so turns out im a big large bundle of cats".

"cats? not cat?", he said coming next to me and i nodded.

"im mostly Lynx but for the most part im 95% wild cats", holding my tail and stroking it enjoying its softness.

Leo had a smile on his face as he stood up, "wanna go somewhere with me for a bit".

looking up at him i wondered what he meant, "sure, where to?".

"you'll see", He took my hand leading me out the lair.

'he's been in the habit of holding my hand since i came here covered in blood', I wasn't use to someone being so touchy with me and it was still new. 'i dont hate it . . i know that much'.

We walked along the sewers will a large room was revealed that looked like it had been untouched by man and left to flourish on its own, "wow~".

"wow is right, i found this place a while back and from time to time I come here to get away from the stress of being leader", he said sitting down in the grass.

"this is the closest to out side i'll ever be able to get to now", i said taking a seat.

He seemed to fidgety a bit, "(y/n) I wanted to ask you something".

"Ask me what", I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well we've known each other for not that long but I've come to really like you", he paused.

'Wait where is this going?!?'.

He continued, "I wanted to ask you if-".

"If ?", I said repeating the last word.

"If you would stay with us as a permanent member of our Group", he said looking in my eyes.

'Huh . . . Not where I thought this was going? . . April's been giving me to much romance Novels'.

"Your Group?", i said with an amused tone.

"A-among other things to~ like family, for Splinters sake", he said with a awkward smile.

"Humm~ I wonder? Should I~", I teased.

He looked at me with a bit of passion in his eves and determined to get me to stay from the looks of it.

"Since you seem so set on it why not fight me on it?", I said feeling playful.

"What?!", he said confused how I got 'join us' and went straight to 'fight me'.

"I haven't been able to let off steam and it's a good opportunity~ it's easy, you win I join, I win I might not join", I said stretching.

"This seems rather pointless but if your itching for a fight so bad I guess I'll help by beating your fluffy butt", he said with a grin.

"OH! That's a call out turtle boy!", I said taking steps back.

We are really doing this~.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now