Divide and conquer

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Picking up everything we would need some thoughts lingered in the back of my mind. I let karai go, will she tell on Kaname and work against them?. She hates her father but wants revenge for the loss of her mother.

"(y/n) you alright?", Leo tapped my shoulder as we loaded a bag with laxatives from the pharmacy's dumpster.

"im alright just thinking", I said brushing off my thoughts for now.

Kaname came over, "If its about Karai dont worry . . . she will find out the truth soon enough".

"the truth? . . WAIT YOU KNEW!?! But I didn't even know till recently !?!", i said shocked.

He chuckled and put the bag on his back, "I work with intel so i know Alot more then you think". he gave me a wink and walked along.

"w-whats that even mean", i said under my breath.

Leo got a message on his phone, "Don said they got everything on there end".

With a nod we went to our meet up spot not to far from the casino. my anxiety was all over the place and for the first time i was terrified, not for being captured but for fighting a power i tried so hard to be a part of. 'before it just felt like childs play but this . . . its bigger then me now'.

I felt hands on either side of me, "Dont get nervous we can do this".

"We can take down the big dogs in one swoop, you got me on your side so i wont let anything happen to you", kaname said holding my hand tighter.

Leo tugged me to his side, "Thats my line, also mind letting go".

"you first", they were at it again.

"Alright you know what~", putting there hands together I walked to Mikey. "You boys be a team and I'll be Mikey's partner for operation bathroom bomb".

"Told you it was a good operation name", he said nudging Raph.

"What! But what about our operation", Leo said throwing Kaname's  hand away and placing his hand on my face.

"After I help Mikey clear the cooks and lock the doors I can go to our meeting point to start phase two", I said rubbing my cheek against his hand a little before letting go.

"Are you love birds done? because this turtle has riot to start", Raph went to the side of the building where we would infiltrate from underground.

"I'll place small cameras along our route so we don't get surprised by anything", Donnie would place a small camera a good distance from each other and along four way passages.

Kaname and Leo worked well together despite a few bumps along the road, 'I bet they could be friends if I wasn't in the picture'. That thought made me wonder what would have happened if I was still in Japan and never came here to begin with.

"(Y/n), after this is all over I would like to talk to you about something", Kaname said looking serious and it surprised me.

His usual smile was gone as he looked at me, "alright, I also want to talk to you about helping me with something when this is done".

We nodded in agreement as we got to our locations, "(Y/n) and Mikey are up first, you have your routs if things go wrong and remember to Avoid the cameras. I'm looking at you Mikey".

"Dont man handle my operation bro it's rude, also I'm with the best partner ever so we got this Leo~", he said taking my bag going up the ladder.

Leo and I watched, "(y/n) can you-".

"Don't worry I'll make sure we won't get caught. Have more faith in Mikey", leaving him with a hug I followed close behind.

Opening the man hole we were in the lower storage rooms that held all the frozen goods, "lucky there was a lazy contractor who just covered this man hole rather then fill it".

"Man it's cold in here", we were shivering a bit.

Going to the door I hooked up my T-phone, complimentary gift from Donnie~ to the key pad letting the it decode the digital lock.

Finally opening we peeked around to a hallway, "the changing room should be around here".

"Hurry dudette before someone comes", Mikey was look out as I went threw lockers looking for outfits.

"Found it! Quick lock the door", changing fast I snagged two chef hats and went to the kitchen.

"Got your mask".

"Already on it".

Pressing  a few small balls from our belts we let them roll as the sound of thumps landed on the floor.

Walking in everyone was out cold, "we got twenty minutes before they wake up".

"Head chef Mikey is in the house baby!", placing on his hat he got to work as I went out and told everyone that the meals would be a little delayed due to low staff.

As I passed the tables to go back to the kitchen I heard a familiar voice, "waitress, how much longer till my order".

Freezing in place I looked over my shoulder to see one table preoccupied by a very cunning ninja.

Walking up I played my part, "sorry but just a few more minutes".

"Really? I want a word with the head chef", she demanded.

My eye twitched, "he's very busy so you have to wait".

"He? If my memory is right the head chef was a women and you're wearing her name tag (y/n)", she whispered to me and got up.

"W-wait Karai- I mean miss you can't just-", running behind her as she busted in the smell of intoxicating spices hit her face.

"Ugh!?! Wh- what is that smell", covering her mouth from the stench I blocked her exit.

"Oh snap! (Y/n) why did you let her in here", Mikey said stirring a big pot like his life depended on it.

"Well she just . . Kinda walked in", I said stepping over the bodies.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now