Hai sensai

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The boys were out dealing with a mutant hunt while I yet again was left alone.

'Alone ... in the lab ... with that thing', sitting in a chair I looked at a mutant threw glass who was mostly made of human parts and acid.

"Hate it in here?", he blinked at me. "Yeah me to".

I haven't been able to go very far and even if I tried to leave my arms would get tired and give out before I even had a chance to go out the lab.

"Maybe if I~", taking Donnies chair I rolled around the lab making my way to the door.

'Why didn't I think of this sooner'.

Once I reached the door I peeked out, "he told me the living room was okay".

Rolling out the lab I scooted my way to the living room and what I saw was amazing.

They lived in what looked like an abandoned subway station that was never finished.

"Wow, this is not what I was expecting", getting up I wondered around to the kitchen.

Opening up the fridge there was nothing but leftover pizza, "they sure like pizza".

Opening the freezer was surprising to say the least.

"Meow", a little kitten looked at me with adorable eyes but that wasn't the only thing that caught my attention.

"Oh my god your made of ice cream", petting the cute little creature it purred licking me.

The ice cream kitten was the least of my findings. In one room there was a Japanese styled dojo.

A tree growing inside the dojo that caught my attention almost like it was calling me in the room.

I left the chair out the door and walked in slowly noticing all the different types of weapons and training gear they had.

I had a good look around when I noticed a shrine at the center of the back wall, "a shrine . .".

Out of curiosity I went to go see who the shrine was for, 'maybe they had a mutant mom? a sister? or an old relative?'.

Then I got a closer look I was in shock, ". . no way".

There was not only a picture of Karai's mother but one of my mom and her mom with a man I never met before.

"W-why is this here", confused and panicked I lost balance and fell to the floor as my legs couldn't support me.

Footsteps from the entrance came into the dojo.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing up", Leo came over but I wasn't responding.

My eyes stayed glued to the picture and tears filled my eyes.

"What's going on?", Mikey and the others came in.

"Oh now she's in here?! Can't we just lock her- . . Why is she crying?", Raph noticing asked weirded out.

"(Y/n) did the pain medication wear off?!", Donnie asked worried.

"Why", I said with no context.

Leo came next to me not understanding, "why? What are you talking about".

Pushing him away before he could help me up I used what was left of my strength to get up on my own.

"WHY IS THERE A PICTURE OF MY MOTHER HERE!", I yelled as my legs were shaking while trying my hardest not to fall.

"Your mother?!", they all said looking at each other.

"My mother! Mei shen . . .", taking out my hidden pendent I opened it and showed Leo the picture.

His eyes widened and looked at the photo in the shrine. At the same time a voice I haven't heard came into the dojo.

"Mei shen, Your her daughter", he sounded happy for some reason.

When I looked up it was a rat in a yukata, "who are you".

"I go by many names but you can call me Splinter, one you might recognize is Hamato Yoshi", he said coming closer and I backed away.

"I was told not to trust you, your the reason Karai lost her mother", I said angry.

"Is that what the shredder told you? . . . (Y/n), if I remember correctly that's the name she gave you", he said back unfazed by my hostility.

I froze as he approached me and when his hand came close I flinched closing my eyes tightly.

"You look just like her", he softly placed his hand on the top of my head.

I've never been shown this type of kindness from someone I thought I should hate and especially thought to loath.

From his touch I knew that he was not the villain that I was raised to believe, "Y-you . . You're not what I was led to believe".

He let out a soft chuckle while Leo came over to help me with my struggling stance.

"You didn't hurt yourself when you fell did you?", he looked me over.

"I'm alright", he handed me my pendent sitting me down.

Thinking over my life and what I thought I should do to stay alive and relevant in the eyes of a tyrant who didn't care about me until I was useful . . . i now had a new struggle . . what to do.

"All these years . . I've wasted so much on a monster I thought was my only salvation", I mumbled out while keeping my head down.

"You did not know any better my dear", splinter sat next to me comforting me.

"My master once told me, 'Do not confuse the chosen path as your only solution and your present worth', do you know what that means?", he said while patting my back.

Thinking it over I gave my best interpretation, "where I came from doesn't make me who I am now?"

With a smile he looked at me with a soft gaze, " precisely, you may have come from evil but that does not make You evil. One learns to embrace change in different ways~ if you are anything like your mother you adapt faster then most".

He was treating me with so much love and care almost like a father,"shredder never talks about my mother like you do . . . It's nice to hear about her".

"If you want to hear stories about her youth I would be glad to share with you (y/n)", he got up and started to leave the dojo.

"WAIT! . . A-about me staying here . . Is it okay for me to stay . . Even when I'm better? . . . I-I don't want to go back", I held my head down as I asked.

He paused and looked my way, "we choose what holds us back and what moves us forward~ if moving forward means staying here then do as you wish young one".

With that he left and I was filled with questions on what my future will hold for me.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now