Forty one

522 21 4

Corbyn groaned looking back in the mirror. He was supposed to be doing his chores but instead, he was trying to get himself to look perfect for that night. His self-esteem had really been suffering recently which wasnt like him much he was always sorta confident. If that makes sense but Jonahs constant manipulation was starting to work. Especially when he saw Daniel because that boy was just gorgeous to him. He adored him. He had to look perfect for him but he was about to just rip his hair out. Tonight was like his last chance to get Daniel back to how he used to be if this didnt work his heart would surely break.

"Jack put me down!" Daniel giggled as Jack threw him over his shoulder as a joke. "No on your birthday you're supposed to laugh even if its just a little bit I dont want to hear anything of that pouty shit on your special day," Jack said shooting a smile at zach who laughed at them from the couch. "I'll kick you," Daniel said after a few seconds. "Go ahead I won't put you down" Jack laughed. He was mainly doing this to make zach laugh but it was fun nonetheless. "Jack I have stuff to do," Daniel whined. "What stuff? Cleaning?" Jack questioned spinning around slightly. "Yes now put me down" Daniel whined elbowing Jack in the back. "Nope, not until I see you smile" Jack replied cheekily. "A real smile to not that one you've been doing," Daniel groaned "Zach tell him to put me down" he whined.

"No" Zach replied sprawled out on the couch entertained by the event in front of him. "Jack put me down" he whined once again. "Nope," Jack replied again. "Please...The blood is rushing to my head" Jack sighed and gently tossed him onto the couch beside Zach. Daniel sent him a glare "oh come on that was fun" Jack defended seeing the boy's glum expression. "no it wasn't fun" Daniel mumbled pushing his back against the couch cushions. "yes it was" Jack said plopping onto the couch beside of Zach, subtly placing his arm around the boy's shoulders. Daniel rolled his eyes "I'm going downstairs" He said pushing himself up "Bye-bye" Jack snickered playfully causing the younger boy to groan as he walked off.

Once Daniel was out of the room Jack turned his head to face Zach and placed his head against his shoulder. Zach turned to look at him "yes?" he questioned wondering why the man had made a sudden closeness between them. "L-last night," Jack said a small smile peeking through his pink lips. "What about it?" Zach asked gently placing his hand on Jack's forearm. "It was fun" Jack smiled and snuggled up closer to Zach propping his foot up on the coffee table in front of them. "Yeah I liked it," Zach said smiling softly. Jack smiled and moved his foot over slightly in the process knocking over a glass of water causing the containments to go all over the table. Jack's head jerked up when he realized and the look on his face is something Zach wouldn't forget anything. Jack pulled away quickly he placed the now empty cup right side up "sorry sorry" He said and used his sleeve to dab up the water on the table his short becoming soaked before he could even get a quarter of the liquid up. Zach furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the man's reaction "whats the matter? its just a glass of water" he asked. "Dont yell dont yell I'm sorry I didnt meant to knock your water over" Zach frowned "I wasnt going to yell its okay accidents happen," He said calmly. "no its my fault" Jack whimpered using his other sleeve to whip up the rest. "No its fine its just water jack the cup didnt even break its alright," Zach reassured getting on his knees beside of jack. He placed his hand on the man's shoulder and squeezed it slightly. "B-but I just ruined it a-and now your drink is empty" Zach sighed deciding to go out of his comfort zone and lean in. He pressed a quick kiss to Jack's lips then pulled back the man immediately calmed down. "see its alright" He spoke softly  "now give me a big hug and calm down fool everything is fine." 

Walking back up the hall from Jonah's office Daniel kicked at the floor as if something would happen. He wanted this nightmare to end he pinched his arms waiting for himself to wake up but it never came. He looked down at the small marks forming from where his nails had pinched. The only thing he wanted was to go home and be a normal teenager again but that would probably never happen. The more he behaved with Jonah the more he learned. Unbelievable to him Eben was actually a doctor and he's guessing he and jonah are in cahoots or something with each other. He hated Eben more than Jonah at least he could get through to jonah sometimes Eben was just cold and heartless. Learning that someone he didn't know had used his body while he was practically paralyzed and knocked out was disgusting to him he didn't understand how a person could possibly do that to another human being. Every night he lay in his bed and cried just thinking of it. He didn't even want to talk anymore because it took too much of his energy literally nothing made him happy anymore he couldn't even imagine himself happy anymore when every day his self-esteem gets bashed and his body gets used. Everything was scary and confusing and he felt weird and sick every day now for a while, every morning he had to puke, he constantly got dizzy, he felt hungry more often and wanted things he didn't even like or that sounded gross normally it was weird. 

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