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10 years earlier

Limelight mental hospital

The twenty year old brunette looked around the room that held many tables with others sitting with trays of food infront of them some were smiling, some were crying, but none looked as angry as he was to be there.

He sat by himself not eating just sitting there with one of his hands handcuffed under the table he was angry at the world for him being there but he knew one day he would be able to take out all his anger on someone else. Someone innocent and fragile who he could take complete control of even if they didnt want it.

Hed been in this place for crazy people for nine months and he hated it and made that very obvious. He scanned the room again this time locking eyes with innocent honey brown ones. He contorted his face in disgust at the attractive curly haired man hoping to scare him off.

He looked down at his food picking at it with his spoon since he wasnt allowed to have forks or knives.

He looked back up when a tray was sat down on the table infront of him. He rolled his eyes at the curly haired man who sat down in the seat infront of him.

"Hi I'm jack!" The boy giggled pushing his tray off to the side and resting his chin on his hands. "Go away" the brunette said narrowing his eyes at the man who was way to happy. "But your all alone" the boy frowned. "I like it that way"

"Nobody should be alone though" the boy said giving the older a frown. "But I am nobody" he growled. "No your a person just like everyone else here"

"Mabey but I'm not a good person if I was a good person I wouldnt be here, so if your not going to leave me alone why dont you tell me how you gotcha ya self in here kid"

"My mother sent me here because my brain isn't right as she put it" the boy replied with innocently. The older smirked "how old are you?" He questioned placing his chin on his free hand. "Sixteen" the boy smiled revealing his straight pearly white teeth.

"Hm practically still a baby" the brunette smiled to himself. "I'm not a baby!" The curly haired boy slightly pouted. "Aw that was cute do it again" the twenty year old said now interested in talking to the younger boy. "Do what again?" Jack asked confused. "Pout"

"L-like this?" The boy asked playfully pouting and looking at the man I front of him. "Yeah, now can you make your bottom lip tremble for me?" He asked removing his free hand from his face and reaching across the table and gently cupping the little boys cheek."like your sad or crying" he added. Jack tried his best to make his lips tremble stopping when the older boy smiled at him and nodded his head "just like that"

"What's your name?" Jack asked after doing what jonah wanted. "I'm jonah" jonah replied. "Jonah why are you handcuffed?" Jack asked frowning. "Because I tried to hit one of the stupid guards" he grumbled. "They deserved it though, they cant force us to take our meds"

"But the meds make us feel better"

"No no they dont all they do is numb the part of our brains that are really us that's why I never actually take them I like my brain being this way" jonah said dipping his hand into his pocket and showing jack the small white pill the doctor forced I to his mouth earlier but he hid it under his tongue until the doctor left.

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