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Daniel's eyes fluttered open he feels arms around him his head resting on someone's chest he panicks for a second before relaxing into the blonds hold.

Corbyns arms were wrapped protectively around Daniel both corbyn and zach were asleep. Daniel looked around the room cautiously seeing very little light which told him it was getting dark outside.

Daniel kept his head resting on corbyns chest hearing the olders heart thump. Daniel felt protected with corbyns arms wrapped tightly around him he didn't understand why the older was holding him but he was glad that he was.

Corbyn gave daniel a sense of protection and daniel greatly appreciated that he wasn't stupid he knew what jonah might try he didn't even doubt that awful things were going to happen to him at the hands of jonah and he was petrified.

The room was silent other than the three boys breaths and corbyns heart thumping so when the blue eyed boy heard footsteps approaching the door he wanted to scream and cry.

Daniel sucked in his breath and kinda held onto corbyn more trying his best to not wake the boy up when he heard the door at the top of the stairs open.

Daniel squeezed his eyes closed when he heard the footsteps coming down the stairs panick lacing through his body. He heard a small chuckle come from one of the men as they approached daniel dared to peak his eyes open slightly.

That was daniels mistake, in the small sliver of a second his eyes were cracked jonah noticed.

"Oh my sweet precious kitten is the only one awake!" Jonah declared and Daniel heard his footsteps coming closer. Just hearing his voice made the boy want to sob in fear. "Open your eyes kitty" he purred and daniel jumped feeling his cold hand on his cheek he wanted to cry.

Trembling daniel decided to just listen and open his eyes jonah was scary already he didn't want to imagine how scary he would be angry.

Shaking the boy opened his bright blue eyes to see a monster standing infront of him. Jonah smirked down at the boy pleased that he listened. "What is this?" He asked referring to corbyn holding daniel. Jonah crouched down infront of the boy and tilting Daniel's head up by placing is pointer finger under his chin. Daniel didn't know how to answer the man and couldn't help but cower in fear.

Jonah gently removed corbyns arms from around daniel trying not to wake up the boy in order to make this easier. "Jack knock those two out and put them in the van" jonah said referring to corbyn and zach "this ones mine" he added licking his lips as he looked at daniel making the boy even more horrified.

Jack nodded his head grabbing a bottle of something and a pillow which daniel can only imagine was the one to know him out that day and only then did he notice that the mans curly locks were gone his hair now cut and dyed blond.

Daniel watched in fear as jack unscrewed the top of the bottle and soaked one side of the pillow in the substance before going over to zach. Daniel opened his mouth to scream for zach to wake up before it was to late but nothing came out.

"Dont speak kitten" jonah growled lowly putting his hand over Daniel's mouth. "You dont speak unless I tell you to!" He said in the young boys ear. Tears threatened to fall from Daniel's eyes from fear for himself and the other two boys in the room.

The boy closed his eyes and turned his head despite jonahs hold he heard zach shriek into the pillow and that was enough for the tears to fall leaking out of his closed eyes as jonahs hand covered his mouth.

He heard zach thrashing around as the pillow was pressured over his face, he heard his chain rattling and jack whispering to him to just go to sleep or give up and stop squirming until it suddenly went quiet. More tears fell down his face realizing that zach had lost the struggle against jack and was now unconscious.

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