Fifty seven

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Daniels body was shaking hard as sobs racked through his body. Jonahs breath fanning over his right ear whispering things the boy didn't want to hear. He was scared shitless in the moment. He was having a panic attack and Jonah was not helping.

Scratching at his wrists until they were red he tried covering his ears but that just meant he would be kissed all over until he removed them. His legs hung limp over the side of the mans bed as he stared blankly into the hallway with blood shot eyes.

"And then we can have another baby when they are a little older maybe 2 or 3 years old. You'll be better behaved then yeah? Your just a bitch because it's your first baby," Daniel sniffled deeply his chest rising rapidly. Snot clogging his nose and mucus covering the walls of his throat. He looked down at his bow dry bleeding hands from him scratching them so much. "Then repeat until I've finally had enough," Jonah said kissing the shell of the younger boys ear chuckling grimly.

"Don't you wish your mom and dad could see you like this," the older chuckled running his hand down Daniels chest causing the boy to cry harder. "Your mommy and daddy don't care about you. If they did you'd be on the news everyday. Zachs on the news every time I turn that damned TV on but what about you? No ones looking for you no one car-"

"ENOUGH! LEAVE THAT POOR BABY ALONE!" A screaming like yell sounded through the room causing Daniel to jump and quickly look up. Jack stood in the door way in a pair of sweat pants no short and his hair tied back in a bun. He did not look happy at all. Jonah let out a breath of amusement "or what?" He smirked pulling away from Daniel  crossing his legs over one another and his arms over his chest. Jack scoffed ignoring him. He held his arms out for Daniel but the young boy was to petrified to move.

"See he secretly likes it. He's giving me more than you ever could," Jonah said wrapping an arm around Daniels shoulders. The younger tensed back up immediately. Jack just glared at him. He entered the room ignoring Jonah and crouched down in front of Daniel. He took the youngest hands into his hold Daniels head hung low as he cried. Jacks heart broke at the scene.

"Honey," he said softly rubbing his thumbs on the boys shaking hands. "Honey do you want to come stay with me and Zach for the night?" He whispered to him but still knowing well that Jonah could hear. Daniel nodded his head rapidly pulling his hands out of jacks hold to reach and grab onto the older mans arms. "Okay okay," Jack said carefully placing his hands on Daniels hips and pulling him to his chest the boys legs wrapping around his waist immediately trembling in the older mans hold. Jack tightly wrapped his arms around him and stood up. "Enough is enough," he spat at Jonah seeing the veins in his neck beginning to bulge out. Jack gulped nervously and quick turned on his heels heading for the door. He was honestly surprised Jonah hadn't attacked him yet.

The man normally would've but now that he knows Daniel is pregnant he will take care of it later...he would take care of Jack later. He leaned back in the bed gazing at the figures that left the room he chuckled before speaking up walking to the door way as he yelled. "JUST REMEMBER DANIEL HES THE ONE THAT THREW YOU IN THE VAN! NOT ME HIM!"

Jack took off running as quick as he could with the sobbing Daniel in his hold. Daniel held him tight he was having a really serious panic attack well all panic attacks were serious but nothing was going to calm the boy down from this one. Tears stung jacks own eyes and he had to swallow down his own fear and heartbreak in the moment. Jack didn't know where he was going but he had to get the boy far from Jonah in order to help him. Yes he was upset at him for leaving without Zach but it was masked because he knew why he did it, he had every right to.

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