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"HEY RELAX THERES THREE FUCKING PEOPLE BACK HERE!" corbyn yelled after they all hit the wall cupping his hand over daniels ear as he screamed since daniels head had landed on his chest.

"Relax princess that's not even the worse we can do" jonahs voice came from the front of the van. Zach took a deep breath realizing the men heard them and could've heard their conversations.

"Why'd you hit the brakes?" Zach groaned lifting himself into a sitting position. "Because we hit a curve" jack said gentler than jonah had spoken. "Were stopping the van soon and were getting out you three behave back there" they heard jonahs voice.

A plan came to corbyns mind hearing jonahs words but he pushed it to the back of his mind.

Daniel lifted his head off of corbyns chest and sat off to the side nervously fumbling with the end of the sleeves on the hoodie corbyn gave him.

Corbyn sat up and moved closer to Daniel "they're leaving the van darling" Corbyn whispered to the boy even though he knew he heard the man. "Theres no need to worry then" he said rubbing his fingers up and down the boys back. Daniel smiled smally leaning into corbyns side he knew that they're was plenty to worry about but he was trying not to think of it.

Zach smiled at the boys on the other side of the van and rested his head back against the wall closing his eyes. Soon the van came to a halt "were getting out now babies behave yourselves" Jack's voice started off sweet but ended in poison when he told them to behave.

The doors closed and all three looked at each other all thinking about screaming but they knew they shouldn't. Daniel shuffled away from corbyn the older made a face of confusion and looked over at the younger.

Daniel realized there was a crack in between the doors but they were still closed and he knew that jonah put a lock or something on the outside since he heard him locking it after he put him in the back. Daniel cupped his hands on the sides of the crack and put his eye to it squinting the other.

Corbyn and zach moved closer to daniel realizing what he was doing. "What do you see darling?" Corbyn whispered rubbing daniels back. "Its night, were in a parking lot of a store but I cant tell what store it is, I dont see very many other cars" daniel said scanning the outside through the small crack.

"Do you see jack or jonah?" Zach asked quietly. "No" daniel said "but I know jonah locked the doors" daniel said moving one hand down and grasping a handle that was on the inside assuming it was another way to open the van. Daniel shakes the handle in a poor attempt to open it but he knew it was locked.

"About what time would you say it is?" Corbyn asked. "Um somewhere between probably nine pm and midnight but that probably doesn't help" daniel said putting his hand back up to the crack. "Theres alot of what looks like trees behind the store, this place looks really sketchy" daniel said chewing on his bottom lip nervously.

Corbyn continued to rub daniels back but daniel didnt mind corbyn gave him this sense of safety. With Corbyn around daniel didnt feel ashamed of himself he felt safe with him even though he was anything but safe. Ever since he was thirteen hes felt trapped in his own mind but now he was actually trapped and he couldnt get out.

"There coming! Or I thinks its them!" Daniel said after a few seconds of nothing and he saw the silhouettes moving closer to the van. "Oh shit" zach whispered "move away from the door and act like we were just laying around miserable" corbyn said and in an instant they all scurried away from the door. Zach slouched against the van wall in the upper corner and corbyn and daniel both went to the corner opposite of him all three acted tired and weak. "Dont be nervous" corbyn whispered to both boys but taking Daniel's hand and brushing his thumb over the boys knuckle but let go of his hand when they could hear the men shuffling outside of the door.

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