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Corbyn fluttered his eyes open what felt like five minutes later. He woke up from the sound of light murmurs and the body heat of someone hovering over him. His first thought was that it was probably daniel getting up or something but when he finally opened his eyes he saw Jonah leaning over him and whispering something to Daniel, the boy replying in the same quiet tone. His first instinct was to punch Jonah but he didn't instead he lay there still. Jonah made him so so angry he couldn't even begin to explain it. Without moving his head only his eyes he glanced off at the clock that read 6:47 am. He shut his eyes once more when he felt Jonah moving after he told Daniel something that sounded like goodbye, Corbyn hopes he heard that right. He felt Jonah stand up and heard him shuffling around before he heard the door shut. He waited a second then rolled on his side to see Daniel. Daniel didn't budge he was staring up at the ceiling, dazed and confused almost in his thoughts. His thoughts had been so dark recently and now with the stress of the baby, it was worse.

He didn't want a baby, he could barely take care of himself how in the hell was he expected to take care of a baby? He didn't understand why Corbyn would want it while he himself is praying for a miscarriage. He knew that sounded awful but he was, he wanted it to happen. How in the hell would he tell Jonah? What would Jonah act like once he knew? who knows with the way Jonah acts he's so bipolar Daniel couldn't even guess what his attitude would be towards the situation. As much as Daniel despised this baby if worst comes to worst and he ends up with the baby he would never let Jonah have it, it was the logical thing to do if you had a brain. Jonah hurt him in ways unimaginable but he's grown used to hiding it and finding ways to mask his hurt but having a mini Jonah would just crush him completely. If he did end up with the baby he doesnt know what he would do he knew Corbyn would love it entirely his or not but himself, could he really find love for the creation of the person who hurt him most? he doesn't think he can. What would become of him? or the baby? What if the baby grew up to be just like Jonah? that would be his worst nightmare. He didn't want to have a baby grow up here in this hell hole, he didn't want to have a baby right after he turned sixteen. If being held hostage and traumatized didn't get rid of his hopes and dreams for the future the baby sure did. A baby is a lot of work and stress and Daniel couldn't take any more of that. He had a million reasons not to keep the baby and one to keep it, that reason being Corbyn. Daniel didn't understand why he got so upset the night prior when he said he was going to kill the fetus but when Corbyn kissed the baby belly he felt safe in a way. Well with Corbyn he always felt safe but this told him something, that Corbyn went through his pain too. That when bad things happen it's not just to him it also affects Corbyn. Why? well because Corbyn loved him and for some reason to Daniel that was just starting to make sense. He knew Corbyn loved him but it was really starting to hit in a way. For such a long time Daniels dreamed of having a boyfriend and having special moments between them, just them, and nothing would matter. A moment just like on his birthday with Corbyn, that moment was special he will cherish it forever. That moment with Corbyn meant absolutely everything to him, He cried afterward because he was so happy how could he not cry? for months everything had been hell for him and his body had just been thrown around between Jonah and Eben him being used as an object but with Corbyn, he wasn't an object, Corbyn didn't touch him for fun Corbyn touched him because he loved him and that's why that moment was so special and he will never forget how before they started Corbyn told him "I'm doing this because I love you for you not for what I'm about to do," That will probably stick with Daniel for the rest of his life.

Probably a good five minutes of silence between the two occurred before Daniel turned his head to face the other boy. He didn't even attempt to talk. "Good mornin." Corbyn hummed. Daniel attempted to say it back but it just sounded like a bunch of mumbles. Daniel's mind was more focused on how he could ever possibly tell Jonah than Corbyn at the moment.  "good morning," He heard Corbyn say again and Corbyn touched his stomach. Daniel frowned knowing he was saying that to the baby and not him, if he was jealous of a baby he definitely was not ready to have one. "don't talk to it!" Daniel growled and pushed Corbyns handoff pulling the covers over himself completely. "Why can't I talk to her?" Corbyn asked. "her?" Daniel asked pulling the blankets close to his body. "Yeah, I think it will be a girl now why cant I talk to her?" Corbyn asked. "Um because and it's not a girl it's a miscarriage," Daniel said no emotion in his tone. "Dont say that!" Corbyn hissed "why? it's true" Daniel replied. Corbyn scoffed  "I named it," Daniel said after a few seconds. Corbyn smiled "really what's her name?" He asked hopeful. "First name Gremlin middle name baby," Daniel spoke. Corbyn slapped him on the leg, not hard of course. "Stop!" he said seriously. Daniel got quiet. 

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