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They ran as fast as they could until the dark thick trees covered the house and they could no longer see it, they slowed down at that point but were still running. Corbyn held Daniel's hand tight and kept their hands in his pocket to keep them warm. It was cold, really cold the wind was blowing like crazy and their faces and exposed skin burned from the air but they knew they had to keep going. They had only been going for about ten minutes now but they were freezing, both scared of absolutely everything that could happen.

Corbyn was in so much fear possibly even more than Daniel he wanted to get out so bad he knows he doesn't show it much but he's breaking so hard inside. He was suffering despite how he acted, he suffered being beat, he suffered from the boiling anger he had for Jonah, he suffered seeing Daniel get hurt, he suffered knowing he hurt Zach, he suffered knowing the poor baby in Daniel's belly will either die or have an awful life if they stay, he suffered knowing his parents were dying inside not knowing what had become of him, he suffered knowing that this might be the end. And if anything Daniel was really the one powering them through this escape.

They had to get out they just had to they couldn't go back, they wouldn't go back. Daniel squeezed Corbyn's hand tight as an owl in the distance called its call. They came to a slower pace almost walking as leaves beneath their feet crunched. The night was quiet except for the mindless animals making noises. The sun rose around seven and they had no idea how to tell time so they had Jon idea what time it was or how long they've been gone they just no it was no longer than 20 minutes. Daniel kept looking behind them every few seconds and especially every time he heard a noise. They were now running again after a short walk break but all they saw for miles was darkness they were each secretly relying on the other to get them out of there. They didn't want to light the matches or anything until they were farther away from the house just in case. They hadn't spoken a word to each other after they left, afraid.

Daniel tried not to think of Zach but it was hard leaving his best friend in a dangerous situation without even saying goodbye, he felt extremely bad and terrified for all of their fates. He held his tears back trying his hardest not to cry he took his other hand and grabbed Corbyn's arm the same on he was holding hands with just more up nervously squeezing the boy's flesh. Corbyn looked down at him "what's the matter?" He whispered so quietly it could be mistaken as the blowing winds. "J-just can't see that good," Daniel said quieter. It was true but he was just extremely nervous. Corbyn couldn't make out what he said "huh? What I didn't hear you." He whispered back squeezing Daniel's hand tight. "Never mind," Daniel said in reply squeezing his hand tighter as well.

The pitch-black night was not on their side they couldn't see a thing but the other and trees for miles, Corbyn was starting to get himself worked up he didn't know they were this far from society and he was clinging to Daniel's hand and he knew their lives were on the line here and they couldn't go back now. He felt his lips quiver from holding back his cries his chest hurt from holding his breath and the cold his eyes were blurring up with tears and he felt lightheaded. This had to work they couldn't go back they would be murdered if they went back. He had to push through though no matter what this had to work he wasn't ready to die yet he just wanted to go home he needed to go home he needed to get Daniel and his baby home. This wasn't fair to any of them especially the baby, the poor innocent baby. He knew the dark truth that it was probably Jonahs flesh and blood but he couldn't help but feel love for it, maybe he just felt bad for it but the baby did nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be here, it couldn't be here it surely wouldn't survive and it wasn't fair to it because every kid deserved a happy normal loving childhood and it wouldn't get that here, it would be stuck with a sicko and some teenagers who had no idea what to do but nonetheless, Corbyn just wanted to be able to kiss it and say I love you.

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