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Jack opened the door to the small room hearing banging and crying on the other end. Daniel was whipping his eyes on his sleeves hiccuping rapidly. Jack already knew before a word was uttered. "Z-Zach," Daniel said barely able to get a word out. Jack, frozen looked behind him at the boy laying on his stomach asleep. He opened his mouth to speak but only a small squeak escaped. Daniel hugged himself feeling nothing but vulnerable at the moment, embarrassed by his tears, his lips trembling as hopeless cries escaped his lips. The squeaking of floorboards caught Jack's attention, he glanced over to see Corbyn, nervously pressing his side against the wall as if afraid to walk closer. Jack didn't know what to do he nervously glanced between the two getting the message. He pieced it together, he knew that Daniel was taking the pregnancy tests in the other room but just thought it was the boy was being paranoid per usual. "p-positive?" He choked out looking at Daniel. Daniel shook his head yes frantically. Jack's heart shattered, completely shattered. Jack's heart didn't shatter for Daniel or the baby though...It shattered because he knew whose baby it was, his husband's or should he say, ex-husbands. 

Daniels breathes were frantic Jack didn't know what else to do other than put his arms out and engulf him in his hold, Using his foot to close the door behind him not wanting Zach to wake up and be met with the cruelty that had been brought upon him in the real world recently, he liked when Zach slept because it meant he was out of harm's way and it made everything less confusing. Ignoring Corbyn completely he wrapped his arms tightly around Daniel, Daniel tucked his head under Jack's chin he wrapped his arms around Jack and clung to him crying. "N-Need Zach." Daniel hiccupped but hugging Jack tighter. Corbyn stood there at the end of the hall trying to keep his eyes off of Daniel, for the first time he didn't want to look at him. Because he was crying because he was scared again after everything Corbyn had done to help make him feel comfortable and because of the baby. He knew Daniel was terrified but he felt bad for the baby, that baby didn't deserve this, it didn't deserve to be born into this shitshow. It didn't deserve this as much as Daniel didn't deserve to get raped. Nobody deserves that and the little innocent baby didn't deserve any of this but for fucking sure Corbyn was not going to let anything happen to that baby even if that meant not letting daniel do anything stupid to it. Corbyn felt jealous if anything, sounds crazy right? well not to him he had a love for babies he had always wanted one which sounds weird because he's eighteen but bear with him, the big part was he was jealous because Daniel was getting a gift basically, a blood family member. Corbyn did indeed view Daniel as his family, Jack as a friend, and yeah Zach sort of in a way but it was different in the view of everything they were strangers forced to live together. But this baby would be Daniel's little precious gem that came from him. He doesn't know how else to explain it but he wanted a baby sure he was young and not ready but it would give him the will to survive and get out of here. It would give him faith.

"Zach's asleep," Jack murmured resting his head on top of Daniel's hair. "wake him the hell up!" Daniel yelled thrashing a little. Jack tightened his grip "shh calm calm," He urged. "No shut up shut up," Daniel said in the same tone as jack obviously mocking him in the slightest. Daniel sobbed "it's okay," Jack murmured not having anything else to say. "It's not fucking okay," Daniel sobbed. Corbyn stepped forward slightly so he was just a few steps away "Dani," He whispered reaching his hand out in the slightest. Daniel looked at his hand and slapped it away then clung back to Jack. Jack sighed and pulled the boy down to the ground with him breaking their hug momentarily. Jack pressed his back against the wall and put his arms out for Daniel who crawled right into his hold crying frantically. Corbyn sat down to but across from them. Daniel tried to kick him away but Corbyn gently grabbed his foot "Dani stop," he said softly. "no no no go away." Daniel cried. "Why it's me," Corbyn spoke in the softest tone he could muster up. "Well I don't want to see you right now," Daniel blurted stuffing his face in Jack's chest. Corbyn sighed "Dani baby," he said softly scooting up beside Jack so Daniel was forced to look at him. Daniel hid his face in Jack's shirt "Dani what can I do to make you come talk to me in the other room?" Corbyn spoke wanting desperately to reach out and touch the still flattened exterior shell of where the baby would be. Daniel peeked over at him slightly "well you can punch me in the stomach that's all I got right now," His tone was thick and scarily serious. "DANIEL DONT SAY THAT!" Corbyn basically screamed daniel tucked his face back in Jack's chest. Jack felt trapped in the two's argument with no idea what side he should be on. "I don't have to say it I'll just do it," Daniel muttered. Corbyn grabbed his wrist roughly resulting in a small cry from the smaller boy his head shooting up to stare at Corbyn. "Listen to me!" The blond hissed "If you hurt or kill this baby in any way shape or form I will be so angry and upset with you HELL, no I won't ever talk to you again! period. You hurt that baby we are done! got it?!" Corbyn basically screamed in his face. Daniel trembled, Corbyn had never yelled at him like this and it was terrifying everything was terrifying. "I HATE YOU!" Daniel screamed and shoved Corbyn away. Daniel jumped up and started to run but Corbyn got up and grabbed him restraining him in his tight hold. 

"Stop stop stop!" Daniel cried "why are you doing this?! why are you acting like him?! stop!" Daniel sobbed. "You are not hurting that baby," Corbyn scowled. "Yes I am! I'M NOT HAVING HIS BABY!" Daniel yelled. "OKAY THEN PRETEND ITS MINE!" Corbyn shouted back. "I CANT DO THAT WHEN IT COMES OUT LOOKING LIKE A MONSTER!" Daniel yelled "Okay then when its born just give it to me! come on please Daniel dont hurt it dont please I know its barely formed yet but I love it I love it I love your baby," Corbyn cried and spun Daniel around so they were facing each other and got on his knees near the boys belly. He sighed "Fine okay? I cant control you its your choice but just know if you do- if you hurt this baby I will be very upset I-I-I just dont want it to go before its got to experience some sort of love you cant let it die like its just a piece of trash because its not a piece of trash even if it is Jonah's baby just let me...Just let me kiss it." Corbyn whispered teary-eyed and softly gave the boy a small kiss through Daniels shirt Daniels eyes watered. "I-I-Its not that I want it to die but its just going to constantly remind me of what he did to me Corbyn," Daniel was shaking so bad it was incomprehensible. Corbyn grabbed his hands "Dani I know-" Daniel cut him off "no you dont know! you dont as much as you think you do you dont! He hurt me he took a part of me away he took my self-worth and confidence he took me away from my parents and home and threw me into this life with no idea what I'm supposed to do! With him, I do not own my own body! He is crazy I know he's had bad things happen to him but what he does to me...What he does to me- I dont want to have his baby, that traps me forever because even if something happens and this ends I'll still have that baby...Corbyn please dont make me please dont make my body for you. I understand if you want the baby but its my choice and I hate it," 

This is short and wasnt the original chapter goal but oh well. Starting to steer away from the whole gruesome thing for awhile and introduce the new character :) I left a hint as to what the baby might be called if it stays around but its a common word and Idk if yall will get it yet :) It was mentioned in one or two chapters before I think idk not sure that was this story. but anyways I hope you liked this?

What do you all think the babys name will be/ do you think it will stay around? next chapter will probably be Daniel and Jonah or sum but it wont be triggering or anything like that. but idk still deciding what I want that chapter to be

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