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Sniffling once more Zach retucked his face into the crook of Jack's neck. "What's wrong?" Jack asked rubbing his back. The two had moved to the couch in the living room and were currently watching a movie. Today was a day, to say the least, it was about 6 pm now and even the atmosphere in the house felt disgusting and dreary. Zach was not okay, he was basically almost burned alive he was petrified. Fire was way scarier now than it was before. He had cried basically all-day unable to control himself he couldn't stop shaking and feeling the urge to scream. The light smell of smoke still filled the air at some moments making it harder to not think about what had happened. "Can we go back?" He asked quietly. Being out in an open room was scary now knowing that Jonah was back he only even came out because Jack did and somehow they ended up watching a movie that he barely knew what was going on in. "into the other room? yeah of course," Said Jack a second later but neither of the two moved. After a few minutes of silence though Jack started to get up so Zach did the same. After standing Zach grabbed ahold of Jack's hand tightly which surprised Jack but he held Zach's hand back just as tight. Zach still had no idea about the pregnancy the two other boys were downstairs along with Jonah but he had just stuck with Jack the entire day and Jack hadn't uttered a word about it, Honestly, Jack had barely uttered a word in hours.

Honestly, Jack was crushed. It may seem like he's crazy and has no emotions to others but he does he's a human, not an object he has feelings. He was heartbroken. Who wouldn't be heartbroken even in the slightest if the person your world revolved around for so long did such awful things and gave love to someone else by putting a baby inside them? This was the boiling point for Jack and he was on Daniel's side for this. How could he not be? Who would want a baby from the person who causes them the most pain? who would want a baby at that age? Jack was one hundred percent on Daniel's side. Jack knew he could help but at the same time, he felt trapped as well. He was afraid to help, He could easily say it but it wasn't as easy to do it, it may look easy but it's not. He was terrified to step up and take the action that needed to be taken. All in all, Jonah scared him, this Jonah scared him. He would do anything to get the old Jonah back but at this point, he wasn't even sure he wanted him anymore. He wanted Zach and he knew that he did but he didn't want to admit it, moving on is hard and long and difficult. One second he's madly in love with Jonah and the next he despises him and is head over heels for Zach. He hated being here just as much as the boys did but he didn't know how to get out, no matter where he went Jonah would find him and the hell would start all over again. He couldn't go somewhere and leave Jonah here that would make him the bad person, the abandoner, he didn't want to hurt Jonah even though Jonah hurts him every day, and leaving would hurt him but he wanted to leave more than anything.

Back in the room, Jack locked the door and sighed Zach got back in the bed on the side closer to the wall and hid under the blankets. A few seconds later Jack got into the bed with him neither uttered a word for several minutes until Zach spoke up "hold me," he said nuzzling into Jack's side. Jack obliged and wrapped his arm around Zach pulling him closer into his side. Gently Jack rests the side of his face against the top of Zach's head "I'm sorry," he said quietly "for what?" Zach croaked afterward. "for everything what is there to not be sorry for? I feel so bad!" Jack exclaimed still in a quiet voice. Zach moved slightly so he could look up at Jack more easily "you know I don't blame you right?" Asked Zach. Jack looked down at him "huh?" He hummed not getting what the younger boy meant. "I mean I don't blame you for this your as much a victim as we are...I don't think your like Jonah at all yeah you've done something's but it's not your fault. I'm sorry I always get mad at you you're probably so sick of everyone getting mad at you and I try not to its just s-sometimes I get really upset because I just want you to myself and I get jealous when I see him, He makes me so upset because...Nevermind I'm going to sound stupid if I say it just forget about this," Zach sighed burying his face in the blankets. "No say it," Jack said tugging on the blanket. "no there's no point," Zach sighed "I shouldn't have even started," He said. "Spill it," Jack said seriously toned. Zach sighed once more deciding on telling since he really has nothing left to lose anymore. "I get jealous because hes lucky enough to have you and he treats you so poorly...he never has to fight for your attention like I do but he just uses that against you, I dont like seeing what he does to you you think I dont know or dont care but I do and it hurts, I see him push you down and throw you around like your nothing I hear him saying awful things to and about you I see the tears in your eyes and I DONT LIKE THAT! You dont deserve that Jack! why do you put up with that when you deserve the world." Zach looked down as he spoke, away from Jack. Nothing came from the older man making Zach self-conscious over his words but it all faded away once he felt a warm sensation on his lips. He smiled wide, kissing Jack made everything he felt disappear and be replaced with love.

Daniel felt weak, he felt sick, he felt tired and drained he could barely move he felt physically paralyzed with fear and sadness. He had taken a nap for a few hours and it was now about eleven at night. He was sitting on the bed with Corbyn still asleep beside him, he was messing with the blond's hair ever so slightly occasionally rubbing his itchy eyes. His face was stiff from crying and his body felt drained. He wanted to take a bath but he couldn't find the energy to get up. He couldn't force himself back to sleep either. His bladder hurt from not using the bathroom all-day he was even tempted to just piss himself and get it over with but he didnt only because Corbyn was right next to him. He had never felt so terrible in his life Corbyn couldnt even make him smile like he always does, he couldnt fathom the idea that another life was inside of him. He just wanted life to stop for one second everything felt like it was going by so fast one minute he was drawing in the park the next he was kidnapped then raped then finally got his special moment and now he's pregnant. He just wanted to go home now he just wanted to walk through his front door and say mom im home he just wanted what he had back. He wanted Corbyn he wanted to just say Corbyn if you loved me you would understand. He wanted a restart because he couldnt do this he really couldnt this time. He had something in mind, something awful and he was trying so hard not to think of it but each second it got harder and harder he couldn't bare it anymore if he was gone he knew he would hurt Corbyn he knew he would never see his parents again he knew he would be killing the baby right along with him but the pain was unbearable. He didnt want to die but it was consuming his thoughts at the moment like it never had before, he kept reflecting on the past months unable to control his urges to just break.

Daniel looked down at Corbyn "hey you," He whispered faking a smile "You know I love you more than anything right? Well if you didnt I do. I love you so much your the only thing keeping the air in my lungs right now, I wont do it I promise but its getting harder. I'm sorry, I-Im sorry im so selfish and annoying but I need you. I'm sorry I push you away and just pull you back I'm sorry I said no the first time you asked me to be your boyfriend I'm so confused how do you put up with me? I dont deserve you im such a bad person you deserve someone who can give you more...whats so special about me? I'm a whore my whole body is covered in scars I cry every day what the hell do you see in me?! I know he hurt you to yet you call me the strong one im not strong I cry and fight and I-I just want to die sometimes, I want to be like you bean, If we go home dont leave please I need you so bad. It hurts Corbyn It hurts really bad I dont know how to handle this im hanging on my a single thread and you're the only reason I want to stay. I wasnt stupid you know? I knew he was going to do that to me from the beginning it was obvious I know you knew too but you didnt want to scare me so you didnt tell me but I knew...I was going to ask you" Daniel choked on a cry as he whispered to his boyfriend, not even realizing the words he said but it didnt matter. "I-I was going to ask you to take my virginity but I was too scared I wanted it to be you so bad he hurt me so bad I screamed for him to stop but he didnt I tried everything and I was so scared he tied me and gagged me and I couldnt do anything but lay there and take it and then he left me there alone in the cold dark room on the floor and all I could think was why didnt I ask you. Its hard to talk about stuff especially this but with you im okay...What did I do wrong Corbyn? why do I deserve this? I wanna die so bad corbyn because thats the only way to make it stop I dont want to have the baby I still want to be me I dont want to have his baby if it were yours maybe it would be different but I dont love it I know its only been a short time but I know your supposed to love your babies what if I have it and I dont love it ever? What if you want the baby and not me? I just wish I could lay with you forever and not cry I just want to be in your arms forever because I always feel safe in your arms...You're my safe place, my person. I'll tell Jonah soon I know you probably dont want me to but I have to he will know one way or another I know you said we could run but we wont get out of here were trapped! Venting to someone whose asleep is a lot easier than when they are awake, now I know why you do it...You always think I'm asleep but sometimes I'm not I love you..."

Hey guys idk wtf this chapter is I just started writing and kept going. I got a message from someone who said it would be a good idea for Daniel to have been secretly awake when corbyn kinda talks when hes asleep sometimes and I thought that was golden so yeah lol here we are Originally I had something else planned with Jack and Jonah but idk if I still wanna do that, well i do but i dont think it would fit with the story line rn.

Anyways whatcha think? opinions? predictions? ideas? idk leave some shit im bored :)

should the Jonah reaction chapter come sooner or later?

And would y'all prefer Jonah finding out on his own or being told. Idk who I want to tell him lol so got plots for each other them lmao

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