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Zach slowly felt himself coming back from the darkness he went to rub his eyes to help himself wake up more but he couldnt move. He felt like he was being held to something he rubbed his eye on his shoulder to get rid of the tiredness. He was in a dark room he could barely see anything. He was strapped to a table like in a horror movie. The straps were so tight it hurt. Across from him daniel was unconscious also strapped down to a metal table his head slightly lolling forward. Zach looked to his side and saw corbyn also on  table but he had handcuffs on and different outfit than he did in the van.

Corbyn now had on a white button up shirt but the first three buttons were undone and a pair of black joggers from what zach could see. Zach looked back at daniel seeing his clothes were the same and he wasnt handcuffed so then he looked down at himself he had the same clothes on.

"Guys! Guys wake up!" He whisper yelled but to no avail the two were out cold and needed to wake up on their own.

The last thing zachs remembers is pulling on jacks arm trying to stop him as he beat corbyn with his belt. Corbyn freaked the fuck out when jonah took daniel away and jack simply told him to shut up but when he didn't he gave no warning before pulling a whip out of one of the bags he had and swinging hard at him missing and hitting  the van which made him madder. Corbyn didnt care about the beating and wasnt showing any signs of backing down so jack started getting more aggressive despite zach jumping on his back to stop him. Jack tossed zach back against the wall and hitting his head along with the sleeping medication knocked him right out. Jack then wrapped his hand around corbyns neck squeezing tighter and tighter it was extremely painful for corbyn and very hard to breath but he fought against him until he fell limp and couldn't anymore and jack gave him on more lash with the whip hitting his neck making corbyn cry out giving jack the sick satisfaction he loved.

Zach wiggled his arm trying to get it free but the restraints were so tight he couldnt. He could barely move it was painful and his fear was immense he didnt know where he was mabey someone could hear them it was worth a shot he screamed and screamed as loud as he could. Shouting for help and screeching as loud as he could his voice cracking and breaking but it didnt matter to him he was at least trying to wake up one of the other boys.

"Oh shut up no one can hear ya theres no use in screaming" he heard Jack's voice as the door opened up the light from the hall illuminating the room giving him a better glimpse of it making him shudder seeing what looked to be a room full of punishment tools.

Jack closed the door and disappeared into the darkness zachs heart was racing. "Looks like were the only two awak" he heard jack chuckle from across the room. "Wh-what time is it?" Zach stuttered trying one again to wiggle his way out of the restraints.

"Three in the morning, we just got here about half an hour go" jack said and zach heard him walking up behind him. "Let us go!" He demanded jerking in his restraints. "Ha why would we wanna do that, you three are never getting out of here thats a guarantee" jack said rubbing his hand down zachs cheek until the boy jerked away. "Theres no way out of here besides death" he whispered leaning closer to the boys ear.

"What about them! Whybarent they waking up yet?!" Zach whimpered his eyes bouncing from daniel to corbyn then back to daniel and repeat. "Corbyn was already awake but jonah took care of him, taunt him a lesson" jack breathed "and daniel will be up soon" jack said kissing zachs cheek making the youngers face contort in disgust but then he remembered his plan.

"Why is he in different clothes" zach asked biting his lip nervously. "Well didnt want him getting mud and blood everywhere" jack said walking over to corbyn and undoing a few more of the buttons on corbyns shirt. Zach wanted to scream at jack so badly but if he snapped now he may never get another chance to put his plan into action.

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