Sixty six

117 9 8

Daniel groaned feeling like he had been hit by a truck in his sleep.

He was constricted but he was also comfortable? He felt stuff on his arms and he heard faint beeping but he felt to tired to react. He felt warm. Oh so warm and oh so comfortable. He attempted to roll onto his side but then the discomfort of all his wounds set in.

He lay there for a second eyes still shut before he accepted the fact he probably wouldn't be getting anymore sleep tonight. He opened his eyes and was met with light darkness. He blinked a few times and brought his hands to his eyes to rub his face but pulled them away when something felt wrong. Bandages.

In various places on his hands were bandaids covering almost all of his small cuts and gashes. This wasn't right. He immediately looked up and started to look around the dark room. He didn't recognize it. There was small lights on either side of him coming off of machines that were the reason for the beeping he had been hearing.

He sat up fast which wasn't a good idea because it causes him to feel pain but fear overrides pain any day. He couldn't see anything that well because it was dark and he was waiting for Jonah to pop out and scare him.

The last thing he remembered was Jonah being angry and screaming at him. He tried to make the most of the small light he had but it was no use he couldn't see a thing really. Using his context clues he knew he was somewhere medical, which scared him. He looked down at his body, he lay in a hospital bed with a white blanket over his legs and waist the end of the bed had a stuffed bear with a red bow tie around its neck.

It didn't make sense why would Jonah and Eben be taking care of him after how mad they had been at him. He knew Eben was like somewhat a doctor or knew something medical but not this much. His placed his right hand to his chest feeling an ache start to set in. What was this?

He whimpered and bent his knees up and closer to him so he could try to look at their condition but pain got the best of him and he quickly put them back down. He looked off to his side and saw a window, the blinds were halfway down and he could see the night sky. Sitting up straight he noticed a small table beside him holding a remote and a glass of water. A remote? Jonah was going to let him watch tv after what he did? He didn't see a tv anywhere on sight so he sat up a little more to see if his eyes could spot it, they could not.

He was about to make himself lay back down when a loud horrid beeping filled his ears. He jumped and tried to move away from the beeping machine but in return all he did was tear one of the wires constricting him out of his arm. He gasped and huddled his hurting body to the other side of the bed whimpering and shaking.

"Hey...hey" a soft voice in the black said causing Daniel to shut up instantly. "I-I'm getting the lights hang in there a second buddy," the voice...he knew that voice. He began to sit himself up more but slowly due to pain and nerves. Was this real? Nah probably just a dream or something because this is not possible.

Soon he had to shut and blink his eyes due to the new found light in the room. Even with his eyes shit he felt like they were burning out of his sockets from the brightness and he couldn't stop the broken sobs escaping his lips. He put his hand over his eyes to block out the fire like lights and felt the weight of the world being lifted from his chest.

Even though the weight was now gone he couldn't breath as he gasped and sobbed not even attempting to wipe his face from tears and snot. Everything that hurt was now suddenly numb and his heart was soaring tremendously.

After a few seconds he removed his hand from his eyes after the lights had slightly dimmed down a bit but he still couldn't see due to his tears so he shut his eyes once more. His hands gripped the rails of the hospital bed on either side of him and for a second he just stayed like that before he took a deep breath and opened his eyes to stare at the man now standing at the end of the bed, looking like he had just seen a ghost. His skin was pale and his eyes dull his skin looked dry and scratchy and he had stubble all along the bottom of his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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