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Daniel stared at the two tests Corbyn held out breathless. no no no that's not right it cant be. He grabbed one of the tests from the hands of the other. "That's not right," he said and tossed the test to the side. "They are both positive Dani" Corbyn sighed and placed the other test in his hand. "No," Daniel said and immediately threw that test as well. "are you not excited?" Corbyn asked frowning and walking to pick up one of the tests. "No! why would I be?! Why are you excited?!" The boy started to realize the gravity of this situation and panic. Corbyn picked up the test and looked back at Daniel "why wouldn't I be?" He asked scrunching his face in confusion. Daniel gave him a look as if he was screaming what the fuck at him without actually saying a word. "I-It's a baby Daniel why would I be upset? Its a little innocent baby I cant be mad at it," Corbyn spoke softly. Daniels face dropped his lip began the quiver in the slightest as panic began really taking its toll. "You dont want the baby?" Corbyn asked frowning. "NO!" Daniel shouted a heartbeat later. The boys eyes started to well up with salty tears and his hand immediately went to his mouth to chew his nails in frustration. He looked anywhere but corbyn. "Why would I?!" He felt the tension in the room grow. "B-Because its a baby Dani who doesnt like babies? Eeek oh my god its going to be so cute!" Corbyn squealed. Daniel glared at him not even comprehending how he could possibly be happy about this. He felt so many emotions channeling through his veins anger, anxiety, fear and so much more. 

Seeing how Corbyn held the test all jittery like it was the best thing ever made more tears well up in his eyes and he felt his face getting hot. This cant be happening why him? why now? He stormed over to the older boy and ripped the test away watching Corbyns face drop. He stared at the test in pure hatred. "I dont like babies," He said in response to what Corbyn said moments prior. "oh common you're just saying that," Corbyn said taking the test back. "no no no no no" Daniel said his tone going more high pitched as he repeated himself. Corbyn put his arm around his waist and pulled him closer into a light hug holding the boy in one arm and the test in the other. Sobs were no longer containable for the younger boy. Corbyn rubbed his back and placed his cheek on top of the boys head slightly swaying him. He understood he was scared but he himself was excited. "It's going to be okay," He hummed quietly and placing a kiss upon daniels hairline. "No its not," Daniel sniffled. "Shh yes, it will," Corbyn replied. "No I hate it," Daniel cried. "No you dont, dont say that" Corbyn said a little more sternly. "NO I HATE IT SO MUCH!" Daniel sobbed into Corbyns shoulder "stop no you dont" Corbyn said in a strict tone. "Yes I do!" Daniel cried hard. "No you dont your just scared right now I get it but ITS A BABY! IVE ALWAYS WANTED A BABY!" Daniel pulled away with a scowl on his face he whipped his tears sniffling before speaking "Its not yours stupid its probably that monsters," He spat. Corbyn sighed "I know that but still its a little precious baby Dani dont say you hate it. Think about how cute its going to be or how happy it will make you one day," He said softly. "No I dont want it" Daniel choked out. "I know it must be hard but -" Corbyn was cut off by daniel storming away corbyn tried to call out for him but he kept going so the blond ran after him.

Daniel sped up and ran as fast as he could down the hallway corbyn chasing him. Daniel shouting for the one and only Jonah. After shouting for a good minute or two daniel ran to the window in the living room to see if Jonahs car was in the driveway but for once it was not. He grabbed the window bars and shook them angrily an aggravated scream leaving his mouth as he attempted to pull them off but to no avail. Corbyn came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him to the ground along with himself. Daniel thrashed "NO NO I NEED HIM! I NEED HIM TO GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!" daniel screamed trying to rip away from Corbyn. Corbyns heart shattered he couldnt even imagine how scared daniel could be right now or whats going on inside his head but he was going to try and help as best as he could, The idea of a baby to corbyn sounded to good to be true even if it wasnt his because this place needed some happiness and maybe a baby was just that. "Shhh Shhh no its going to be okay its going to be okay remember? We've been okay so far and we are going to keep being okay. Please dont hurt this baby it did nothing its not choosing to be born its not trying to make you upset. I know you're really scared and probably petrified I would be to but Daniel its a baby and that baby relies on you for everything its such a gift. Please Dani share that gift with me, Please I love babies I would love to have one with you." Corbyn said wholeheartedly. Daniel looked up through hooded eyes "No" He said bitterly Corbyn frowned almost on the verge of tears "why not?" He managed to croak out. Daniel looked corbyn straight in the eyes and said the phrase that would haunt the other boy "Because I'm going to kill it," He broke free again and ran once again this time to the room Jack had hidden. He needed Zach. 

This was so much more than just being pregnant. This was being pregnant at sixteen, this was being pregnant with a baby he felt no love for, this was being forced into it, this was a baby the most awful person in his life forcefully placed in him, he wasnt ready for this baby maybe a few years down the line and to someone else but not now he couldnt do it now he couldnt have his rapists baby he couldnt have a mini Jonah he couldnt do it. If the baby was his he would just have another constant reminder of what Jonah did to him. But this also stemed way deeper. This made him feel selfish but you see Daniels never been picked first by anyone, His parents favored his brothers, He was the forgotten friend, he was never one of those kids teachers made playful or good remarks about, He never had anyone there for him in a way of course some people cared like his mother but she split her care between her three children yes she put food on his plate and told him she loved him but it was always split up between him and his brothers, He had always just wanted to be first for something he wanted to be someone elses world and not have the attention split. He had just got Corbyn and now hes going to lose him to a monster baby. He didnt want to seem so selfish for wanting that much attention but it hurt because all his life hes tried so hard to be someone's number one thing they adore the thing that makes them the happiest and makes them, them and with Corbyn he had finally got that. Corbyn made him happy and feel less broken but now corbyn was only going to want the baby and not him he was going to kick him to the curb like everyone else does. Maybe he just isnt that special after all he already knew that but he tried so hard to be a good person and all he got in return was hurt, his life was hell and he just wanted it to stop he wanted the world to stop. He wasnt mad at the baby of course not its not its fault hes just upset and angry and scared. Zach always made him feel better when they talked and hopefully hed have an answer to this because Daniel did not want the little seed that had been planted in his stomach one bit.

Eeeek the thought of corbyn with a baby makes my heart so happy idk why

I wanted this to be a really long chapter but i thought two chapters would be better but anyways next chapter do you guys think it should be daniel talking to zach or maybe maybe daniel talking to jack? I cant decide bc i have ideas for both of them.

I hope you liked this chapter!

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