thirty two

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"Corbyn! What are you doing?! stop!" Daniel yelled grabbing the older boy from behind and pulling him. Corbyn ripped away and went right back to hitting zach. Daniel shoved him out of the way using all his strength. Daniel dropped down to his knees beside of zach, he frantically reached over and grabbed the boys hand searching for a pulse, his pulse was low. "what the fuck corbyn?!" He yelled looking over at the other. Corbyn shook with disbelief, he looked down at his bloody knuckles in shock. He did that.

"He isnt waking up!" Daniel said panick laced in his voice. Corbyn got up fast and went closer to the two. What he saw was a bloody mess, the bloody mess he created. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Daniel shouted shoving him back slightly. "I-I" corbyn tried to speak but couldnt force anything out. Daniel whips his head around and shot him a glare before getting back to zach quickly. Corbyns heart broke seeing a blackeye starting to form on Daniel, he could tell it hurt a lot by they way his eye slightly squinted.

Daniel stood up fast and ran back into the bathroom. He grabbed the towels out of where they were kept and ran back fast. "Dont just stand there help me!" He said shoving some of the towels into corbyns hands. Corbyn didnt say anything and ran to the other side of zach. Daniel put pressure on the first wound he saw which just happened to be somewhere on his head somewhere under all the blood. He could hear corbyns shaking breaths getting louder.

"H-Holy shit I did this!" Corbyn shuttered. "Yes! And for what?!" Daniel hissed. "W-we got in a fight" he whispered. Daniel didbt say anything and moved zachs head gently to the side slightly, blood was dripping out of his ear and leaking into his hand. He had no idea what to do. He folded another towel and put it on his leg moving zachs head gently so it rested ontop of the towel. "Hes completely out" he said with a voice of pure worry. Corbyn took a shaky breath. The hallway looked like a murder scene. Blood was everywhere on the walls, on the floor, on their clothes, on their hands, in the bathroom, on the towels, everywhere.

It was silent for a few seconds before a gasp broke the tension. Both boys heads jerked to the direction of the gasp. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" jack yelled running over to them. He shoved corbyn out of the way and dropped to his knees beside zach. Daniel could see his hands shaking frantically. He gently pulled zach from daniel . He carefully put zachs head in the crook of his elbow letting his body lay limp over his lap. Daniel could see the worry in jacks face.

"GO GET JONAH!" He yelled whipping his head around to look at corbyn. Corbyn took off running down the hallway without thinking his feet just carried him to the door of jonahs office. He stopped for a second outside the door breathing heavily before banging on the door frantically.

"What is it?!" Jonah growled throwing the door open. Corbyns breath caught in his throat for a few seconds before he spoke. "I-I th-think I k-killed zach" he shook and his voice quivered. Jonahs expression changed. "Huh?" He asked looking at the blond boy with an unamused expression. "W-we got in a fight a-and he got hurt j-just come on!" He whimpered. Jonah rolled his eyes "are you serious?!" He hissed. Corbyn whimpered and nodded his head "a-and I know what your gonna do to me I-I wont fight" corbyn sniffled, he felt like a monster. Jonah cocked an eyebrow at the boy "you realize im going to punish you right?" He asked. "Yes now come on hes hurt!" Jonah sighed in frustration and pushed past the boy walking ahead.

Corbyn followed behind him keeping his distance from the older male. Jonah was angered and he didnt want to push him anymore. "For the love of god!" He heard the man growl when he got closer to the bloody scene. Zach was still out cold jack was holding him in his arms gently and caressing over the spots on his face that werent hurt.

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