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Rain started to pour in the darkness it was 3am a scary time for most who believe in the paranormal but at this time Keri seavey was crying quietly watching the lightening flash through the dark sky.
Keri was worried sick because her youngest child hadnt returned home since earlier that day.

Keri felt guilty, really guilty she felt bad fir ignoring her youngest son that day when he tried to talk to her.

When daniel never came home she had this gut feeling that something was wrong but she ignored it but she shouldn't have.

"He just ran off he'll be back soon" Jeff seavey blew it off but she felt something was wrong

After hours and daniel wasn't home Jeff decided to go look around for him.

Driving in the darkness and pouring rain jeff slowly made his way home after driving all around town he was worried but he wasnt showing it trying to tell himself daniel would be back beflre morning.

The cars black tires ran over the wet gravel and mud of the roads but jeff didnt think much when he hit a bump in the road thinking it was just a pile of gravel or something but there was not a thought in his mind thst it couldve been his own sons sketchbook.

Daniels sketchbook now covered in mud and tired tracks damp from the rain blew open the wind flipping through the pages the water and mud ruining the beautiful colored images on the rough paper.
Raindrops smeared the beautifully drawn pictures and smudged daniels signature the book was completely ruined by now there was no way it could be drawn in again the pages were falling apart and covered in raindrops mud and tiretracks.

Keri sobbed more when only her husband came home and ran to the phone not listening to jeffs words of he was just hiding out for the night or out and about she knew daniel wasnt like that his anxiety wouldnt let him stay out late without telling her.

Keri called the cops but they said he probably just ran away and that they would look into it more if he was missing forover 24 hours Keri couldnt even imagine 24 hours without her baby.

Daniel awoke being hit by freezing air the basement was so cold. Corbyns arms were wrapped around him keeping him warm. Corbyns head rest up against the cold wall asleep corbyn was starving aswell as zach whilst the other two were asleep in their warm bed smiling to themselves for the gain of their new prizes.

Jack and Jonah knew they could get big money out of any of the boys but these prizes werent for sale.

Daniel would go the quickest and they knew it but Jonah wanted to keep him around he had things planned for daniel.
Jack really liked zach to but had a different idea for zach than jonah did for daniel and corbyn well they would keep him around but all three were terrified.

Corbyns arms made daniel feel warm in the cold air he liked it but he couldnt let this boy hold him but he wanted him to hold him.

As carefully as possible daniel pulled away from corbyn looking at the sleeping boy he was kind hearted he helped him.

Daniel looked in zachs direction he was hugging his knees to his chest and had his head resting on his knees asleep daniel frowned but remained quiet he was afraid to move he was so scared at the moment his mind was rushing with thoughts both good and bad

Don't worry mom and dad are looking for you and you'll be out of here soon

I'm going to get murdered

Mom and dad probably called the cops and they might be looking for me

What if they found that note and hate me

Daniel bit his lip trying to make his already quiet breathes even quieter his eyes scanned the room the room was mostly in pure darkness but he mostly saw cardboard boxes stacked up and the scary spot where they had him hanging and that was about it.

Daniel decided to get some sleep while he could but he didnt want to wake corbyn up and be selfish having corbyns body heat around him and also corbyn was a stranger but daniel could tell he had a kind heart he was just to scared to talk to him or touch him so he curled into himself as best as he could drifting off to sleep.

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