Sixty four

113 9 1

Daniel listened closely as Jonah spoke briskly on the phone with someone who he could only assume was Eben, or even possibly Jack. He was angry. He stood in the kitchen like area but the boys could still see him from where they lay on the bed.

Daniel had yet to find the opportunity to tell Corbyn of what he had done early that morning. He was trying not to fear he knew these things took time but it was nearing an hour and a half since he had called and he was just begging they hadn't given up on them yet. Corbyn was clung to Daniel he had his head on the boys chest and his arms around his waist. The tv ahead of them played some old game show reruns and the two were finding entertainment by answering the questions and playing along without moving a muscle of their beings.

Today however Corbyn was a sniffling, coughing, sneezing mess. He was frozen to the touch. He had a head cold or at least that's what Daniel hoped it was. He knew being around Corbyn and his sickness would cause him to get sick to but he didn't mind, it was the least of his problems. He was terrified the cops wouldn't be able to find them. He was petrified of Jonah finding out what he did. He was scared and felt guilty for jack and Zach. He was so scared he was trembling.

Corbyn however was used to daniels shaking and didn't even think to ask if he was alright. Daniel had tears in his eyes most of the morning and as each second without hearing a police car siren or seeing cops bust through the door the more they wanted to fall down his face and the more his mouth wanted to scream.

He knew it would take time he knew they wouldn't find him in a matter of minutes but he was growing more and more and more scared the more time that passed without anyone showing up.

Jonah's angry manner on the phone had developed to full blown screaming. He was mad but then again when was he not. Whoever he was on the phone with must've done something really bad or have been really annoying him. Deep down though he was nervous. What if Jonah found out what he did and that's why he was so angry? What if the cops weren't coming because Jonah cleared himself again just like he had done at that store?

Not even realizing he began to dig his nails into corbyns shoulder. He was going to have a panic attack. He was trying to hold it back so hard but you really can't do that with these sort of things. His heart rate was rapid and he felt his eyes burning but he was not going to let it happen. He couldn't if he did then Jonah would know something was up.

"Ow Daniel!" Corbyn hissed sitting up after the boys nails had poked at his skin. "What was that fo- what's wrong?" Corbyn asked hushing his voice immediately when he saw the boys expression and shaky hands.  "Nun..." Daniel said softly and pulled himself into a sitting position but winced when his fresh cut on his stomach started to sting. He was really regretting climbing out the window and getting cut up when he could've called quietly in the bathroom.

" I." Corbyn stumbled over his words whilst sniffling his running nose. He looked at himself and the sheets and the blanket and lastly Daniel. It was astonishing that he hadn't noticed until now, the place was a blood bath. Daniel looked down at the mess, he knew he was bleeding, obviously but not to this extent.

He thought he had just a cut with some minor bleeding and seeing the mess and the condition of his body was sending him over the edge. He looked at Corbyn with wide eyes. Wide teary eyes.

"Are you okay?" Corbyn whispered not wanting Jonah to hear, if he even could over his loud screams on the phone. Daniel nodded quickly, to quickly. His lip quivered as he tried to look anywhere but corbyns eyes.

It's almost over

It's all almost over

He kept telling himself but before he knew it tears were on his cheeks. He turned his head and leaned foreword seeing Jonah's figure standing in the other room, far off from the bathroom. "Come with me," Daniel said grabbing corbyns hand before he even had the chance to stand up because in all honesty he didn't know if he could.

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