twenty nine

730 23 52

Corbyn and Daniel had each other zach felt like the weak link like the one in the backround. Normally those things seem bad but in this case he kinda wanted to keep to himself. He was petrified he hated being around jack so much but it was way better than anything else. Jack was nicer he could tell hed be a good person if it wasnt for jonah. He wished he could just go down to the room he was given and stay there locked up.

He had finally fallen asleep like an actual good sleep for the first time in awhile he felt so relaxed. Jack had his arm wrapped around him as he was sitting up against the pillows he was kinda agrivated at jonah for just walking in and turning the lamp on. "So you had them fuck?" He asked not caring about what jonah was telling him. "Yeah" jonah said slipping his shirt off and getting into the opposite side of the bed.

"And for this one" he said caressing the sleeping boys shoulder. "I cant wait hes been pretty good but its about time" he smirked. Oh hell no jack said in his head. He held onto zachs a little tighter. "W-when are you going to do it?" He asked nervously. "Tomorrow maybe. Goodnight" jonah said rolling on his side so he was facing away from the two.

Jack pulled zach closer and looked down at him as he slept, he was not going to let jonah do anything to zach.

The next morning jonah got up before jack and went downstairs like he typically does. He didnt do anything to the other boys and went to his office. Before zach got started on breakfast jack took him downstairs to get changed.  Jack stayed in the hallway as zach got dressed.

"Wheres corbyn and daniel?" Zach asked after they got back up he assumed they would already be in the kitchen or atleast daniel. "They got in trouble again" jack said staying in the kitchen. "They need to be more like you" he added sitting ontop of the counter top. Zach kept quiet and started to make breakfast for the other two men. By the time it was finished jonah was already at the table so jack had joined him. He wasnt very nervous around jack but he definitely was around jonah. He put the plate down infront of jonah as quick as he could he probably looked like an idiot doing that but he didnt care he was terrified of jonah.

After giving jonah his plate he walked over to the other end of the table to jack which gave jonah the perfect opportunity to look his backside up and down. Jack noticed and sent a scowl jonahs way when he wasnt looking. Zach sat beside Jack at the table and kept quiet. He didnt feel like eating anything but jack kept giving him bites of his food.

After jonah was done eating he walked around to the other side of the table and kissed jacks cheek before going back downstairs. "Ill help you with the dishes" jack said across the table and grabbed jonahs plate. "Its just two plates i can do it" zach said taking the plate from him and grabbing jacks aswell.

Zach went to the kitchen and turned the sink on. Jack followed him and sat on the sink counter once again. Zach waited until the water was a little warm and started to scrub the two plates. After cleaning both playes he went to turn the water off but jacks hand stopped him he made a confused face. Jack put his hand under the water then flicked it at zachs face. Zach flinched then smiled at the other. "Can we go back to your room?" He asked softly. "Of course" jack said taking zachs hand "lets go" he said turning the water off and giving zachs hand a soft squeeze.

Jack took zach back to him and jonahs bedroom and they stayed there all day. Outside it was starting to get cold and rainy the season was changing and that was always something zach had enjoyed. He loved the cold seasons since he got his license to drive he loved to drive around listening to music but it just felt different when it was cold outside. Zach tried to peak out the window through the bars that guarded all the windows in the house.

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