twenty six

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Zachs leg bounced nervously. He sat at the dinner table by himself. He didnt know where daniel and Corbyn were. Jack told him to sit at the table until he came back and to Not move. He was extremly nervous something had happened but he cant even think what where the hell were the other boys?

"Here ya go" jack giggled and sat a bowl of lucky charms cereal infront of him. He looked at the man obviously confused. "Eat up your all skin and bones" jack said sitting in the chair beside him. Something wrong. He thought to himself before speaking up. "Wh-where are-" he started but jack cut him off. "Corbyn and daniel?" He asked. Zach nodded and bit down on his lower lip. "Well they got into some trouble this morning so they will not be joining us today" he bit his lip harder. So that means that he would be by himself with these two sickos all day.

"What di-did they do?" He stuttered. Jack smiled at him "well arent you nosy" he chuckled booping zachs nose with his pointer finger. Zach forced a small smile. He was trying to act like he wasnt afraid and trying to somewhat act flirty if he could set his plan in motion.

"Eat! Your cereal is getting soggy!" Jack exclaimed tsking the spoon into his hold and scooping up some lucky charms. He held the spoin to the younger boys lips and zach hesitantly opened his mouth.

Jack pulled the spoon away and put it back in the bowl after zach ate the cereal from the utensil. "You dont have to make breakfast today and if jonah has a problem with it he can speak to me about it" jack said taking another spoonful of the cereal once zach swallowed his food.
Zach gave him a small smile this was to perfect opportunity to start this plan of his and if that meant letting jack feed him hed get through that embarrassment.

"Where is jonah?" He asked trying to sound nonchalantly but he was worried for corbyn and daniel, extremely worried.
"I think hes in his office he should be up soon though" jack said feeding zach another spoonful. After the many bites before at this point the bowl was almost gone.

"Zachy your so pretty" jack cooed reaching over and caressing zachs freshly brushed hair. Zach gave him a shy smile "thanks" he said quietly picking the spoon up and feeding himself the last bite of lucky charms. If his mouth was full he wouldnt have to talk to the man. He put the spoon back in the bowl now bowl of milk jack immediately grabbed the bowl and put it on the other side of the table giving him a smile. Jack rested his head on his hand "your still my favorite" he said reaching his other hand over and gently pintching the boys rosey cheek.

"Why am i your favorite?" Zach asked folding his arms on the table in a criss cross position. "Because your better than those other two. I just wanted you but J needed his dumb kitten and thought he needed corbyn to" zach frowned hearing the mans words daniel wasnt dumb he was very intelligent but he didnt want that to show and its not a necessity to have a human being. "How am i better?" He asked trying his best to sound stupid if that how it could be interpreted. He was going to act like a lost puppy for this insane man. "Prettier, smarter, braver, sweeter, you don't misbehave and your just perfect to me" jack smiled wide revealing his pearly white teeth. Zach smiled a toothless smile. "And please dont be afraid of me anymore i hate seeing you scared and crying im not gonna hurt you i promise. Infact you can hang out in my room with me when ever you want" jack said rubbing his thumb over zachs cheek bone. Zach smiled once more "id like that" he said quietly. "Good we can do that today then"

Zach jumped slightly when the door that lead to the staircase flew open. He looked behind him quickly. Jonah dragged his fingers through his messy hair as he slammed the door behind him hard knowing corbyn could hear and he wanted to scare him more. Zach gulped he felt much more relaxed and secure with jack.

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