Fifty nine

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Corbyn had his head in Daniels lap the younger boy attempting to unknot his hair but it was no use. Daniels palms were bleeding once more causing more blood to knot up in corbyns hair. They sat on the floor behind where Jonah was standing talking to an unfamiliar man along with Eben who stood more off to the side. The house smelled of dust but it was spotless as far as the boys could see. The room they were it had furniture and a tv but they weren't allowed to sit on or touch anything because of how dirty they were. Jonah just told them to sit on the floor and not to say a word or make a single sound.

The room they were in assuming it was a living room at this point had a very narrow wood staircase in the corner and on the walls beside the stairs were hundreds of pictures of people. Some were in frames, some were thumbtacked up, some covered in tape, some ripped, some came from newspapers, some were prints, some were professional pictures, and some had red X's across their faces. The pictures stretched for as far as the boys could see and barely any of the wall could be seen because there were so many. The ceiling of the home had small cracks all over it and the floor was hardwood and so clean it was shining. All the lights were off except for a lamp in the corner and the outside was still pitch black. They didn't know how long or far they drove so they had no idea where they were and they were terrified.

Jonah and eben kept talking about a key to some house. Asking where it was and when they were gonna get it, that they needed it ASAP.

The guy they were talking to couldn't seem more scary to Daniel. He was taller than both Jonah and Eben, he had no shirt on revealing many many tattoos, he looked muscular and strong, he had jet black hair that was shaved on the sides the top brushed to the side, and he also had many scars.

The light static and some music could be heard skipping somewhere throughout the house playing old vintage songs leading the boys to believe it was a record player. It reminded them both of a horror movie with the pictures of random people on the walls and the skipping records in a dark house, they both knew it was going to get way scarier from here though since the future was very much unpredictable.

Daniels hands began to ache the more he moved them on account of the large slits in his palms he took his hands out of corbyns hair and looked at them. Black colored ooze seeped out and some drips looked clotted, the skin around the wounds was very red and irritated. Even though it hurt badly Daniel hated the feeling of his own sticky blood on his hands so without thinking he whipped his hands on corbyns clothing. The blond who still had his head in Daniels lap opened his shut eyes and looked up at the boy slightly confused not noticing the blood yet. "Sorry," Daniel said quietly once again whipping some of the sticky substance onto corbyns sweatshirt but in the slightest this time around. The older looked at the now visible mark but didn't care because he was already covered in blood and dirt. He just nervously smiled up at his boyfriend.

Jonah took a step back his back still facing the two boys he glanced at them slightly but when he saw brother of the two were looking at him he reached back and grabbed a tiff of Daniels brown hair on his fist, he warned them not to talk. He yanked the boys head foreword keeping a tight grasp on his hair he then rejoined the conversation partially.

"Ow," Daniel said quietly putting his hands up to where jonahs was entangled in his brown locks. Jonahs grip tightened. Corbyn sat up but he didn't help knowing he couldn't only cause more damage. For once he was the one silent and Daniel was the one talking. "That fucking hurts dumbass stop showing off for your friends and just yell at us like normal," scoffed the youngest in a much louder tone of voice, Him and Corbyn have definitely rubbed off on one another lately.

In recent times Corbyn in a way has become more shy and scared of the man but Daniels anger and rage towards Jonah had only been growing and growing and he couldn't take it anymore.

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