Sixty one

482 11 5

There's slight mentions of religion in this chapter but it's just this characters view for this chapter and doesn't affect the story any. Just thought I'd let u know

"I told you," she seethed. "I told you!" She repeated her teeth angrily sinking into her bottom lip. "I TOLD YOU HE DIDNT RUN AWAY! AND YOU DIDNT BELIEVE ME!" She said slamming her fists into the hard wood desk. "Ma'am" the detective tried to speak but she cut him off.

"No! No! Don't make any excuses for your shitty ass work! YOU LAZY MOTHERFUCKERS! That's my baby! Look at how hurt he is! Look at how scared he is! I TOLD YOU HE DIDNT RUN AWAY!" She screamed in his face whilst he sat there keeping his composure hands folding into one another. "Ma'am," he spoke more assertively. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." She said through her teeth.

Tears falling down her face she took her seat once more in the chair across from the man at his desk pulling a tissue from her pocket. "I want to watch it again," she sniffled pointing at the man's laptop. "Mrs," the officer replied in a soft tone but she shook her head to silence him. "I wanna see 'em..." she murmured wiping her eyes gently removing any of the makeup still left after her tears had washed most of it away. He sighed and pushed the laptop in her direction not murmuring a word. Without even asking she picked the device up sitting it down in her lap and pressing play on glitchy video before her.

"NO BELIEVE ME HES LYING IVE BEEN KIDNAPPED," she heard her child desperately scream causing her to shut her eyes tightly for several seconds before reopening them. She looked at him. She looked at his messy greasy hair, at his shaking hands, at the blood pouring off of him like a waterfall, at the desperate tears falling down his face, at his Adam's apple rapidly moving up and down as he cried, at the dirt and grim all over his boy, at his limping legs, at the clearly visible bruises on his neck.

It was obvious to anyone that the boy was being tortured SO WHY DIDNT ANYONE HELP HIM?!

He was pale and thin, thinner than the last she saw him. His cheeks were sunken in and his hair was a tad bit longer. He was so dirty as if he had been living in a pig pen for eight months. He was black and blue he had sores and gashes and cuts on his beautiful face and tears leaking relentlessly from his ocean blue eyes. Keri couldn't stand to look at him like that, but yet she had to.

She couldn't look away because she needed to see him again. She hadn't seen him in what felt like ages, and just seeing him, just hearing his scared little voice screaming on the other end of the screen was giving her a heartbreaking closure.

She cried harder when she heard Jonah telling everyone that he was just his son with mental problems. She cried the hardest though when no one helped him, when the man in the store called him a fag, when Daniel ran behind the counters looking for a phone and protection of any sort, but what really took the cake is when the awful awful man grabbed him and dragged him from the establishment.

Her child was obviously hurt and in danger and not a soul in that building helped him! They let that man take him when Daniel was clearly being forced and scared of him. Yet no one helped. No one helped her baby.

After the video ended she sat the laptop down without making a sound. Afterwards she was still letting her mind run marathons.

Making up situations in her mind that could've possibly happened before and after this video.

As grim and awful as it sounded she imagined Daniel was being held somewhere like a basement or a garage. Like many other kidnappings she's heard about. She imagined he was scared and alone somewhere dark and restricted. She imagined he was hungry and thirsty and begging for his life on the daily. She didn't want to of course she didn't want to imagine her child in that situation but since he's been missing she's watch at least millions of crime documentaries therefore warping her reality and perception of her child ever being happy and safe again.

She couldn't even imagine the awful things happening to her baby right now. She couldn't fathom someone hurting him.

She knew, she wasn't clueless. She knew he was being tortured, if he were still even alive. She knew her baby was suffering and she couldn't bare with it anymore. With every fragment of her being she hoped Daniel was dead!

She hoped he was dead that way he wasn't being tortured! She hoped he was dead so he wasn't afraid anymore! She hoped he was dead so he wasn't hungry anymore! She hoped he was dead so he wasn't cold! Alone! Scared! Abused! Or touched!

She loved Daniel more than anything. He was her youngest child, her baby. She was giving up, no on Daniel but on herself. She failed to protect the worlds sweetest little boy and she felt guilt over everything. She felt guilty for not doing her job as a mother and protecting her little angel. The last time she saw him she brushed him off, she was busy.

But now she'd give everything to just know he's safe.

"I'm sorry I blew up on you I just-" she was cut off by the man sitting just ahead of her. "Don't be. I would be just as equally upset if I were in your position right now," he spoke gently taking her hand into his. "I know I've done a shitty job so far but I promise you ma'am I'm going to find your son,"

And with that she left the police station she was oh so familiar with. She was there almost daily and nightly sometimes and she would repeatedly do this until she had closure.

She cried the whole way home only to arrive back to an empty building. Her older sons stayed out more now, they couldn't bare coming home to their shared room with Daniel knowing what they know now. Her husband crumbled under the pain and fell into alcoholism. They barely had a relationship anymore the disappearance of their sunshine drove them apart.

Most nights Keri slept in daniels bed with his stuffed animals begging and pleading with God to give him back to her.

She was about to do so on this night when suddenly she just couldn't take it anymore. Daniel was in Minnesota and was in Portland! She couldn't take it anymore! She was going to find him herself even if it meant searching that entire state by foot! She was going to go to that store and give the people who wouldn't help her hurt baby a piece of her mind and fists.

For three hours she sat on her messy bedroom floor packing all of her belongs begging and praying and screaming at God to show her a sign to show her anything that had to do with her son.

"Lord I'm begging you to save my baby," she kept repeating over and over again not missing a heart beat as she crawled into her bed with the full intent on leaving for Minnesota in the morning.

She did this until she fell asleep and the world listened to her.

Because that early morning at exactly 3:45am her phone began to ring off the hook. She didn't know the number she in her tired state let it ring and ring until her nerves got the best of her. She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and answered the call expecting it to be just a spam message but when a voice like honey filled her ears she burst into tears.

"M-mommy...I-it's Dani,"

I'm finally done crying about this story Ik where it's going now ♥️

Also this chapter isn't proof read or actually that good even but I just wanted to get it out soon bc well...I think you know.

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