Sixty five

134 11 4

Just letting you all know this is very shitty and unedited just for the point of having one more Zach and Jack chapter before this story ends :)

Three days without Jonah; what a relief.

Multiple weeks without the other boys; concerning.

Zach hasnt really seen a trace of either of the teens since the night of their escape. Even if at first he felt betrayed by them over the weeks he has come to learn deep down why they did what they did, he didnt know of the baby until Jonah made it very obvious and started to somewhat 'baby proof' the home. There was a lot of toys around the home now varying from baby dolls to toy cars the building was basically packed with them at this point. Even if he didnt get along with corbyn and hadnt talked to daniel in some time every single day without a doubt he caused himself to panic for them, multiple times vomiting and or passing out due to the stress of not knowing if his friends were okay.

he knew they were alive if they werent Jonah wouldnt have gone to see them of kept the baby act up. Him and jacks best guess was Jonah was keeping atleast daniel away to protect the baby or something because he had never acted this way before.

He didnt dare lay his hands on zach at all, he had no boys to do things to during the weeks and for the most part if you didnt know what he had done you would believe he was just an ordinary nice guy.

he hates to admit it he really really does but that past few weeks despite his nerves and panic attacks had been probably the best weeks of his life.

Reason for this being was his lovely lovely jack.

Without crazy jonah around jack was no longer tied down to any burden or scared of what the man would do to him. He did anything and everything for the boy...despite helping him home afraid of what jonah would do to him if he did free the teen. Every morning Jack and Zach would go for a walk around 7 am but without ever actually leaving the approximate location of the home and then they would come back to the warm home and would take a nap together until about 9 protected away from the cold winters snow. Almost everynight they would binge watch movies togther, sometimes they would play music, and sometimes some other things...

A few times over the weeks without Jonahs knowledge Zach had snuck into town with Jack. A town that was littered with daniels missing persons flyers since the incident. Twice during these trips the teen had actually been inside a store with Jack but he never tried a thing, he couldnt leave jack. They would soemtimes get fast food and once even went to the movie theater and saw a random movie that was playing. Fun good times really if you over look everything else.

Jack had no hope left in him for Jonah and often would just lock him out of the home so he could be with Zach. Somthing Jonah wasnt to fond of but was trying to control his anger due to the little surprise that would soon join the home. Everything had changed since the others tried to escape.

Tonight the two lay out on the couch surrounded by blankets and pillows and stuffed animals jonah had left out on the couch for the still unborn baby. Jack lay behind zach his arm wrapped around his waist and the other knotted into the teens hair. The couch was cramped but comfortable for the two almost nude bodies glued together. It was about midnight at this point and they had been watching movies but both were sort of dozing off but zachs eyes were still glued to the movie they had been watching. Watching movies whilst Jack held him were basically his favorite thing ever and he would never let a moment of it go to waste because he knew he deserved love he knew none of this was his fault and he was just glad he had jack and he was also glad he could heal his lover.

He didnt have a bandaid to place over his tormented and bruised heart but he had loving arms and words and you bet anything he was helping him get better. He hadnt had any of jonahs special drug in a long time and was slipping back into the normal swing of life, in a way. He often awoke from his slumber screaming and crying due to his traumas. He couldnt beleive the things he had done in his life, he couldnt beleive that going to a hopsital that was supposed to help him as a teen shaped his life in these ways; he was a murdered a kidnapper and a broken soul.

He was unforgivable it was a fact but both of the boys knew he wasnt in the right mind space when he commited his crimes and it was something zach worked with him on the daily. Everyday no matter what zach made sure to put an hour aside to soemwhat act as jacks therapist. He wanted what was best for people especially his broken jack and if he has learned anything about himself from this whole experiance he learned that if he were to ever get out of here he would like to persue a career in being a therapist feeling that his situation could possibly help and speak to others going through their own battles.

His ideal perfect life would be to complete his job dreams and then return home to his jack every night without fail, it wasnt just puppy love they were to marry if they ever got out of here and after everything was over with.

But that couldnt happen because both knew the awful truth that if they were to leave these place one would be sent away and the other put back into society; scared and alone.

As the hours pass jack had fallen asleep but not zach he had actually found another movie to watch and he was very invested in it taking in every detail and loving each scene that seemed to speak wonders to him.

The cold house seemed warm to him as he lay protected in jacks warm arms but the cold wasnt the reason he began to shake violently in less than a few seconds his whole world flipped around as his movie was interupted by a news broadcast.

He was quick to jump up and shake his boyfriend awake and instead of giving him answers he just pointed at the tv whilst shaking violently. Jack was confused until he read the broadcast displayed on the screen.

Missing teen boys found; Suspect in custody.

This is literally the worst chap in this whole book but i just needed to put another jack and zach chap bc i forgot abt them for a bit.

I wish i wrote more jack and zach in the past like its actually mkaing me wamna rewite this whole book just to add more of them.

Any ways theres about two or three chapters at most left of this story and im glad that u guys still like and read it after all these years. After the book has finsihed i will be going through and cleaning it up fixing all mistakes ect. :D

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