Twenty Four

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"Achooooo." Naruto sneezes loud. Real loud.

He grunts. 'I only sneeze when people re talking about me so who in the hell is talking about me now?'

He quivers, 'Lord please don't let it be Amaru. Or Dashi. Please no not Dashi.' He looks disgusted for a minute.

A feeling of warmth takes over him. He feels more relaxed and calm. He then knows who is talking about him. The only woman who can make him smile, blush or even talk to them that not a close friend or family. The love of his life. His little bunny. Hinata.

He smiles thinking about her. He voice. Her laughs. Those beautiful eyes. That milky skin. That long dark blue hair of hers. That way she walks. The way she dances whenever she comes over to cook. How talkative she is with Naruka. How peaceful she looks when she's asleep. How sexy she looks when she's wearing his clothes. And especially 'that' moment.

Naruto begins to blush as he remembers her giving him ownership of her body. The soft moans she made. Her lightly scratching his back from the pleasure she was getting from him. He looks down in his lap to calm himself down.

Unfortunately for him, " just have an orgasm sitting at your desk? There's a whole bathroom over there for that."

Naruto starts to ponder all the way you can kill a person, how to justify it and where to dump the body. He looks up at Hitori after throwing his hole puncher at him and missing. "You! Out! Now!!!!"

Hitori shrugs and leaves closing the door leaving Naruto in his anger.  Naruto gathers himself due to a call coming in.

He answers his phone, "Pervy-Sage??"

"Dammit boy. I've told your repeatedly to stop calling me that!!!"

Naruto responds, "And we've told you repeatedly to stop being a perverted old fart and THAT never changed."

"You little...ugh. I called to let you know that Icha Icha Paradise is finally open."

Naruto facepalms, "Please don't tell me there are a bunch of naked women running around that place. You could have just opened up a strip club for that."

"True but a strip club would leave nothing to the imagination."

Naruto grunts in agreement. Sasuke walks in just as Naruto is wrapping up the call. He nods to him acknowledging his.

"You should go by and check things out. I think you'd be very surprised as to how things look and operate in there. Your girlfriend is there now with Ino and the other ladies."

Naruto raises an eyebrow. "Oh really. Cool. I'll stop by and surprise her while Sasuke and I are in our way to meet up with Sai."

"Sure thing kid. Talk to you later."

Naruto ends the call and fist bumps his best friend while putting on his jacket. "Mind stopping by a spa?"

Sasuke looks at him a told his eyes. "Yea. Sure. Half naked women in towels and robes. Let me go grab my pervert hat first." he says sarcastically.

Naruto chuckles, "You're not a pervert if you're going to see your wife dude."

Sasuke raises an eyebrow at the word 'wife'. "Sakura? My Sakura. Is at your perverted god father's spa? Oh hell no! I'm driving!" Sasuke rushes out the door and races to the elevator.

Naruto chuckles as he gets into the car and Sasuke speeds off. "Dude. Slow down. You know Sakura only has eyes for you."

Sasuke side eyes him and speeds up.

Naruto sighs, "How about we stop and you grab her a gift saying that you were thinking about her and that'll show all the guys around that no one can compete with you?"

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