Tweny One

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Silence fills the church with the occasional sniffs and sobs heard throughout the building. A soft melody plays in the background fitting the aura perfectly. It's soothing yet saddening. Had it not been for the current occasion this hall would be the perfect place to come for self comfort and relaxation.

The doors open at the rear end of the church and a long casket housing an elder red head is wheeled in by the employees of the funeral service. Following it is the priest hired for the home going celebration that few have become all too familiar with.

The priest reads from his bible the selected scriptures as the family follows. First in line, a beautiful red head with her head resting on the massive chest of her husband. Her beautiful face stained with tears of sorrow and despair. Even in the comfort of his protective embrace she weeps ferociously having lost not only another loved one, but another parent.

Behind them, a dark haired man with soulless blue eyes and whiskered cheeks walks in with tears lingering in his eyes. He clutches the hand on his loving wife who is shedding tears of her own having been a part of the family both officially and unofficially for such a long time. Their son holds his father's other hand tightly not liking to see his father so hurt and in so much pain. He feels bad because he can't do anything to cheer him up. He walks along with his head held down in sorrow after these thoughts run through his young mind.

Following them, a blonde with cold blue eyes and whiskered cheeks like his elder brother before him. He does not weep as he hates instances such as these. He feels as if their family is cursed and destined to live in agonizing pain for some unknown and unforeseen reason beyond their control. He hasn't spoken since they received the news of his uncle's death. Not even to his loving better half who his clutching to him tightly not wanting to let him go through this alone. The bluenette hasn't forced him to speak. She just wants him to know she's there. As does his darling daughter. Naruka's lavender eyes are filled with tears. She doesn't quite understand the entire concept of death but she does know that her favorite people all seem to go to the same place in the stars and she never gets to see them again. She tightens her hold on her daddy as they walk in silence.

Behind them, a white haired man and a dark haired woman walk in. The man looks at his god children with sad eyes. He knows that he is all they have left other than each other. He looks over to the maid hooked into his arm. Ruthie is shedding tears that are ruining her makeup. Jiraiya reaches over and wipes the woman's tears giving her a small smile as she clutches his chest. He rubs her head comforting the woman who has been in the family for so long that she became family.

The Uchiha brothers follow with their wives. Itachi and Shizuka walk in silence as does Sasuke. Sakura sheds a few tears as Yusuke holds his mother's hand trying to be strong for her. Sasuke wraps and arm around her as she bawls her eyes out.

The rest of their friends enter behind them all being more than friends to the family.

After everyone is seated, Shikamaru takes the podium. He closes his eyes and sighs more a moment. In his mind, it is very troublesome that he was chosen as the MC for such an event but he does so out of love for his friends.

"Nagato Uzumaki." He chokes out and excuses himself as he catches his composure. Temari joins her husband on the pulpit and rubs his back in support. He silently thanks her and regains his composure.

"Nagato Uzumaki. Father, brother, entrepreneur, friend, mentor. Nagato was one of those people who you couldn't help but enjoy being around. He was the polar opposite of his sister, the late Kushina, who talked fast whenever she got excited. He was always calm and analyzed just about everything. I learned a lot from him and my mentor Asuma Sarutobi. Mr Uzumaki had a strong will and probably loved his daughter Karin more than his own wife. I don't know why because she is a loose cannon like her aunt was."

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