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/6 years later/

"Mr. Uzumaki. The contractor for Nakamura's Designs is here.." a woman with dreaded hair says through the speaker.

" a woman with dreaded hair says through the speaker

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The blonde hair CEO says, "Thanks Jhala. Send him in please."

After a few seconds, there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." the CEO says from his desk.

His secretary escorts a man in the room who has his blazer hooked under his left arm while tugging at his tie. "Mr. Uzumaki." she says and points to the visitor, "...this is Mr. Nakamura himself. He wanted to see you in person."

The blonde chuckles, "That's just his style Jhala. He hasn't changed since college." He then stands and walks towards the now chuckling visitor. "Right Sai?"

The pale dark haired man named Sai smiles and hugs his long time friend

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The pale dark haired man named Sai smiles and hugs his long time friend. "Am I really THAT predictable?"

The blonde raises an eyebrow and folds his arms, "Ugly truth or pretty lie. Choose your fate."

Sai sighs deeply, "Okay Sasuke Jr."

The blonde responds, "I am not as bad as teme."

Jhala interjects, "Pardon my interruption two know each other?"

Sai looks back at her, "Yes. Naruto was my roommate and teammate in college. We travelled together a lot and became real good friends. He is actually the one who introduced me to my current fiancé. I can honestly say, he's the reason I am about to be happily married to the love of my life."

Jhala looks at him weirdly, "This Naruto Uzumaki right here?" She points at her boss. "No offense, but I find that hard to believe. Mr. Uzumaki rarely smiles and is sometimes a jerk. He only tolerates me because my sister is married to his brother and she'd kill him if he were an asshole to me. Only time he smiles is when his daughter comes around."

Sai looks at Naruto in disbelief. Naruto regains his stoneface and tells Jhala in a deep voice. "That is all Jhala. You are excused."

Jhala shrugs and walks out the door.

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