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Jiraiya notices Ruthie and looks a bit shocked, "Tsun..."

But he is cut off, "Ruthie. My name is Ruthie, Jiraiya-sama. Care to treat a woman to a dance?"

Jiraiya is hesitant but nods and smiles pervertedly, "It'd be my pleasure. See you guys inside."

Jiraiya walks away with Ruthie escorting her to the dance floor.

When they get there he speaks up, "Tsunade! What the hell?!"

Ruthie, who is Tsunade in disguise, speaks back to him, "I've been assigned to protect Naruto and his family since the death of his wife. Captain Hiruzen felt as if it's was more than just a hit and run."

Jiraiya nods, "I kinda felt sketchy about those incidents as well. Minato's death I can understand but Kushina and Mikoto was a bit too suspicious."

Tsunade nods, "I'm keeping up this image for as long as I can. Naruto has yet to notice that I'm not the same Ruthie."

Jiraiya then raises an eyebrow. "Speaking of which. Where IS the real Ruthie?"

Tsunade's eyes falter. "She was found dead the same night Minato was taken to the hospital. Someone is targeting the family. More specifically, Naruto. It's like they are hell bent on hurting him in every way possible. Plus, I've grown attached to little Naruka. I can't let anything happen to them. So please Jiraiya, don't reveal my true identity until it's time."

He nods in agreement, "Your secret is safe with me."

She smiles at him until she feels something press up against her. She scowls while Jiraiya smiles nervously. "Seriously Jiraiya?!"

He responds with his hands up defensively, "I can't help it. Your melons were pressed against me and your nipples are hard. What's a pervert to do?!"

She grunts and walks away but not before decking him in the jewels. Jiraiya grunts and grabs his now sore man parts before limping off the floor with a whimper.

/end of flashback/

The bearded man stands there both shocked and amused. Who knew that Ruthie was an undercover agent all this time? She played her part very well. Even went as far as putting on heavy amounts of makeup to alter her youthful appearance.

He chuckles, "Tsunade Senju. Great disguise. Even the contacts threw me off because I'm sure I'd have recognized those green eyes anywhere."

He then gets serious, "Too bad I won't be seeing them again."

She frowns and fires several shots at him. He anticipated this and dodged quickly. Several shots rang through the front door as she jumps behind a wall for cover.

She throws a glass in the air and it is showered with bullets. She repeats this action moving further away to flank around the house. As she moves, she grabs some of the other hand guns lying in the ground and makes her way out the side of the house.

She moves through the bushes quietly and sets one of the guns up and moves to another spot. After doing this about four more times, she finds a safe spot.

She aims at one of the guys heading towards the front door and shoots him in his neck. She fires off several more shots before dropping the gun and running to a different spot while her previous location is being fired upon.

While their attention is over there, she picks up another gun and takes out two more of the men. She moves from that location to another and retrieves another gun before shooting two more.

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