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Two males step out of a black SUV. One tall. One short. One with raven hair. One with pink hair. Father and son. Big Uchiha. Little Uchiha.

Sasuke and Yusuke enter a building with each carrying a fanny pack. Sasuke carries a blue one and Yusuke a red one. They walk slowly into the building with matching sunglasses on and look at the surrounding machines. They look to each other and nod.

Sasuke unzips his and Yusuke mimics his father's actions.

Sasuke stands in front of the machine and says, "You're going down ghosts."

Yusuke stands in front of another one, "You as well ducks."

For two hours, Sasuke and Yusuke go to every machine in the arcade to set the top five scores for themselves. They have spent nearly fifty dollars, in quarters I might add and are annoying the owners.

"Seriously dude!? What type of parent brings their kids to an arcade just to play everything in the building?"

Sasuke glares at him seriously, "Don't question my parenting skills. Besides..." he points at his son who is having the time off his life. "...you see that look on my son's face? That's all that matters to me. I could care less about what you guys think about me. My son thinks I'm the coolest dad ever."

Yusuke shouts in triumph. "Yes! Top score again! Beat that dad! In your face!!" He runs in circles in front of the machine cheering for himself.

Sasuke chuckles at his son and the arcade manager smiles. "I see what you mean. He's one happy little camper. If he's this happy, then his mom must be in bliss."

Sasuke's smile fades at the statement. The manager has walked off to leave the two Uchiha alone. Sakura appears in Sasuke's mind.

'Maybe this should have been a family day instead of father/son.'

He shakes his head.

'Nah. Sakura needed her alone time and I don't think she would have come anyway.'

Oh he could not have been more wrong.

/time skip/

Sasuke stands there sweating as Sakura glares at him while Yusuke explains the story of how much fun he and Sasuke had at the arcade.

"Yuzzy?" Sasuke visibly flinches at the tone in her voice.

The young Uchiha looks up at her. "Yes mommy?"

Sakura smiles warmly at her son but Sasuke is creeped out by it. "Can you take your prizes to your room while mommy talks to daddy about something?" She looks up at Sasuke who gulps in fear.

The little pink haired boy, as innocent as he is, agrees, "Okay mommy. See you later daddy." Yusuke says and runs upstairs with all of his prizes Sasuke let him pick out at the arcade.

Sakura turns her attention to her ex-husband. "So..."

He jumps as soon as she starts speaking.

"...had fun today at the ARCADE?!"

Sasuke is literally about to shit himself. He holds on to his manly pride and responds, "In my defense, I figured you needed a day to yourself which I Why I didn't invite you. You have our son literally all the time and I just wanted you to be able to relax and have some me time."

Sakura scoffs and replies sarcastically, "Wow! Didn't know you cared."

Sasuke slips up, "I never stopped caring."

Sakura hears him and her eyes widen. Sasuke realizes his slip up and tries to change the subject. He clears his throat. "So, I hear Ino and Sai's wedding plans are coming along quite well." He pulls his long hair out of its ponytail letting it lie down his back.

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