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After browsing through some additional information on Sai and looking at a few of the pictures that were placed into the article, including some of him playing basketball in college and his graduation day, Hinata finally musters up the strength to continue reading.

She doesn't have to work tomorrow because of the weekend and the girls have no plans for anything so she takes this time to her advantage.

She flips back a few pages after realizing that Naruto's interview was placed last and Sasuke's is before Sai's interview.

To her surprise, Sasuke's interview is actually longer than Sai's.
The interview with Sasuke Uchiha from GQ magazine.

_______________________________________________The interview with Sasuke Uchiha from GQ magazine

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Q: Mr Uchiha. Thank you for coming in today.

S: Hn.

Q: Is everything okay Mr Uchiha?

S: ...yea. Just a bit annoyed from my son keeping me up all night 'prepping' me for this interview.

Q: (giggles) Isn't that sweet?

S: (scowling) No it's not. The kid was asking me questions that literally made no sense at all. Tell me. What does a Pokémon GO have to do with construction?

Q: That's a good question. I would have to say nothing.

S: Hn. Exactly.

Q: Well, why don't we dive into this interview and I'll actually ask questions that will make better sense to you.

S: Hn. Continue.

Q: How does it feel to be one of GQ's Men of the Year?

S: It's an honor. Even though I feel I should have been placed on the front cover alone. (smirks)

Q:(giggles) That's out of my power sir. But I thought you'd enjoy sharing a front cover with two of your best friends.

S: Those dweebs are not my best friends. Try brothers. Naruto and I grew up together because my mom and his mom were best friends and remained close. I met Sai a few times during our basketball games and eventually when I transferred over we become closer.

Q: Wow. You guys really are close.

S: Yes. Very. I'm rather protective over those two. Especially Naruto because he's the most vulnerable of the three of us.

Q: Really? How so?

S: Naruto lost someone very special to him a few years ago. That sent his world into a downward spiral and he was on the verge of suicide many times. Me, Sai, our other friends, his family and most importantly, his daughter brought him out of it. He became a tad bit cold due to that loss but I know that the Dobe he is, is still in there.

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