Twenty Seven

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Naruto is panicking. Here he is stuck in Suna on a business trip for another day and his family's in danger. His nerves are bad and he can't stop shaking all of his friends have called to let him know Hinata and Naruka are safe.

Gaara and Menma have been trying to keep him calm but to no avail. He wants to see them okay for himself.

His phone rings and he jumps shocked by the suddenness. He leaps to his feet as if he's receiving bad news.

"Hello? Teme?"

"What's a Teme, Uncle Sasuke?"

Naruto can hear a facepalm in the background through the speaker. "Hey Ruru. Are you okay sweetie?"

"Yes daddy. Auntie Sakura is making her famous strawberry citrus pancakes. And Yuzzy challenged me to an eating contest. I won't let you down daddy."

Naruto's worries disappear hearing his daughter's voice. She goes on and on talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

Naruto laughs and talks back with her. He needed this. This is what he was missing. He then gets an email and grunts. "Hey Ruru. I know you wanted to see daddy play basketball but my flight's been delayed and I may not make it in time."

"No daddy! You promised!"

"I know baby. Daddy's going to come as soon as he can."

"But we were suppose to play Neverland!"

Naruto feels bad. Even though it's not his fault he still hates that he can't keep his promise to his daughter. Sasuke grabs the phone as Sakura calms down her niece.

"Dobe. No worries. She's fine. Hinata's fine. You know I won't let anything happen to them."

Naruto sighs, "Thanks Teme. I'll get there as soon as I can but I don't know about making the tournament."

"Damn that tournament! You just get here in one piece. I don't care about a game. I care about my friend and his safety."

Naruto chokes on his words. "I...well...yes sir Mr Uchiha."

Sasuke calms down, "Sorry. Kind of on edge myself. But like I said. Your girls are safe."

"Thanks man. I'll try to make it in a few hours."


Naruto hangs up and packs his bags. Menma knocks on his door and looks at his little brother. "Everything good?"

Naruto nods. "Yeah. Just caught an Uchiha lecture about coming home safe."

Menma chuckles, "You too huh? Didn't know Itachi's wife could be that scary." He quivers.

"You got snapped on by Shizuka?" Naruto asks. Menma covers his mouth and looks around dramatically. "Don't say that name. The sky trembles when mentioning her."

Naruto laughs as Gaara walks in.

"Hey. Good news, bad news."

The Uzumaki men look at each other then back at Gaara. "Good. Good first. To hell with the bad."

Gaara looks at them confused. "O....Kay."

"Good news is we found another flight to get you guys home. Bad news is it'll cost a bit more since it's short notice and we'll be about thirty minutes behind schedule."

Naruto tosses Gaara his bank card while grabbing his bags. "Book it. Book for all of us. I don't care if it costs a castle. We need to go now."

Gaara watches Naruto rush out the room along with Menma. They look at each other. "Should I tell him now or wait for his reaction?" Gaara asks.

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