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Hinata sits on her couch with the magazine she 'borrowed' from her father to reads the articles on the three young CEOs.

'I think I'll start with Nakamura-san first. And read Naruto-kun's last since I don't really know much about him other than he's marrying Ino.'

(a/n: It's torture having to write about my favorite anime woman marrying another dude. 😢😢)

Hinata flips through the magazine browsing at a few pictures here and there until she gets to the interview.

The interview with Sai Nakamura from GQ Magazine.
(Sai's answers are in bold. The regular questions are in regular font)

 The regular questions are in regular font)

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Q: Mr Nakamura. Thank you for sitting down with us today.

S: The pleasure is all mine.

Q: So, you along with two of your best friends were all chosen for GQ Men if the Year. How does that feel?

S: Honestly, it feels like a dream. I've known these guys for years and for all three of use to be chosen at the same time is unbelievable. I couldn't have dreamed of a better spotlight for all of us to share.

Q: If you don't mind me asking, how did you meet Mr Uzumaki and Mr Uchiha?

S: Well, I met Naruto in college. We were roommates and of course teammates. Everyone knows how great of a player he is but no one knows that's he's a much better friend than player. We bonded after I beat him in a few games of 2K and he accused me of cheating. (Sai chuckles)

Q: And Mr Uchiha?

S: I met Sasuke through Naruto. We played against him a few times in college but an incident occurred, I can't go into details about that, and Sasuke transferred immediately to our school wanting to be closer. We bonded after another of our friends called him 'duckbutt' because of his hair (Sai chuckles again) and everything just clicked. We leaned on one another to get through some hard times especially when Sasuke and his wife were going through their divorce, I made sure to be that shoulder he could lean on with Naruto being the other.

Q: That's a touching story. It sounds like you guys are brothers.

S: We are. Those guys are more than friends. They're my brothers. I didn't have any siblings growing up so it was hard to develop bonds with people but like I said, with them it just clicked instantly. And I grateful to have met those guys.

Q: So touching. I've heard rumors that, you're getting married soon. Any truth to that?

S: (chuckles) Well, since it's already out there, yes. I am. I am marrying Ino Yamanaka in the latter part of this year.

Q: We actually have a picture given to us by Ms Haruno after you proposed.

S: Really? That's just like Sakura. (chuckles again)

Q: This is beautiful

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Q: This is beautiful. Can you tell us what's going on in this picture?

S: Okay. After I proposed, Ino-chan collapsed to the ground in tears of joy. I ran and held her from behind kinda of towering over her a bit because we were laying in grass at the time. I hugged her and leaned over to wipe the tears from her eyes before telling her how much I love her. She's my world and I can't wait to marry that woman.

Q: You're killing me with the feels over here.

S: (chuckles) Sorry. It's true. She means the world to me and I want everyone to know.

Q: That's sweet. A few fans wanted to know whether or not you have any upcoming projects from Nakamura's.

S: Well, Uzumaki Motors Konoha is expanding again and they have to have four extra lots along with newer buildings to support the production of their cars. So, I'll be working the next four months with them on that project before taking a break for my wedding.

Q: Oh. And when is the big day?

S: November 28th. It's going to be televised but not many will be in attendance. I don't want too many people there because it will take away the attention from my fiancé.  So for those who don't receive an invite, tune in to Kyuubi Television for the three day event.

Q: Three day?

S: Yes. We're televising the rehearsals, the rehearsal dinner with my numbnut friends. You guys will get to see my friends when they're less professional.

Q: Sounds like a treat.

S: It will be. Also, we're debuting the new car line from Uzumaki Motors Konoha that weekend and we're having a red carpet event. It'll be fun.

Q: Sounds great. Well we don't want to keep you too long. So, thank you for stopping by.

S: No problem thank you for having me.
Hinata's eyes are bucked. 'Ino's husband is friends with Naruto-kun? AND Sasuke-kun?'

"I'm actually terrified to read the rest of this article. I'm not even sure if I want to read Naruto-kun's as people say his interview is very personal and emotional."

Hinata takes a break and goes to fix a cup of tea. She tries to wrap her mind around what she just read and what Naruto said earlier that week at the Career Day.

"If you really want to know more, you might want to read that article on him. A few of your questions might get answered."

She jumps and looks around. She could have sworn she heard a voice just now. Maybe it's from a lack of rest. Or she could just be tripping.

Who knows?

She sighs and takes her tea back into her living room and sits back on the couch. She stares at the magazine for a little while before picking it up and skimming through the pages reading more about Sai and his company and he and Ino's upcoming wedding.

She sighs and flips the page to Sasuke's interview and laughs, 'If his itverview is anything like his speech at Career Day then this won't take long to read.'

Sasuke is driving and sneezes rather harshly.

He grunts and says, "Oh great. I'm the butt end of someone's joke again."

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