Thirty Three

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Naruto holds his phone shaking vigorously. His chest muscles tighten and his breath gets short as he feels he is about to have a heart attack. Sasuke pulls the car over and punches the wheel repeatedly in anger and lets out a loud growl.

Ino. Their closest friend. The only female friend they have had since the pre school days. Despite the fact she crushed on Naruto, he still considered her more of a sister than a friend.

And now...she was gone. All because of a jealous former friend of theirs.

The two men get out of the car and jog towards the location of Sakura and Yusuke.

The young boy woke up with an annoyed grunt and hugged his mom seeing that she was okay. Of course he then returned to his cool demeanor because he was too cool to be seen hugging his mom in public despite there being no one around.

Even in this dire situation, Yusuke's actions make Sakura smile and giggle a bit. She looks up and panics when she sees two figures approaching the car.

"Yuzzy. Baby. Get in the back seat and keep your head down. No matter what happens, keep your head down. First chance you get, you run and hide." she tells him.

She doesn't really have a weapon on her so she will just rely on her pepper spray and her fighting skills she got from Sasuke.

They get to the car and one of them taps on the window with their gun while looking around. Sakura holds her hands up in surrender while opening the door.

She quickly kicks the door against her 'attacker' and sprays him with pepper spray. The other guy approaches her and she throws a roundhouse at him. He jumps back and she continues to try to fight him off just enough to give her son enough time to get away.

She throws a punch as the guy tries to talk decking him right in the jaw. She swings again but misses. He grabs her arm and pins it behind her back.

She stomps on his foot and throws a backward kick hitting him in the jewels. He grunts and whimpers while falling over in pain. Sakura then rushes the maces guy and clips him making him fall to the ground.

She throws a bunch of slaps and punches not really connecting but enough to keep him busy.

Suddenly, she is grabbed from behind in a tight bear hug. She kicks and struggles against the grip but is unable to get free. She thinks worst case scenario before looking down and recognizing those hands. Then the warmth of the embrace becomes familiar to her. Then her body reacts on it's on and gets hot.

Real hot.

She knows that without any doubt that the man holding her right now is Sasuke. Her thoughts are confirmed when she hears, "Daddy!!!"

Yusuke jumps out the car and into his father's arms.

Sakura turns and hugs Sasuke nearly crying.

She looks at his face and sees him holding in a laugh. She follows his eyes and they land on her 'attackers'.

The light reveals their faces and she is immediately embarrassed. The one holding his privates curses her out. "Dammit Sakura! That shit hurt! Now what am I supposed to tell my wife huh?"

Sakura scratches her cheeks with rosy cheeks from embarrassment. "Heh heh. S-sorry Itachi niisan."

She looks at the other man that is with Naruto being treated for the mace.

Before she can apologize he snaps, "I don't even wanna hear it. Save it!"

Sasuke chuckles, "Come on Shisui. It's not like it's your first time being maced." Shisui rolls his now red eyes at Sasuke. "That's not the point. Here we are trying to help and she attacks us like some banshee."

Everyone laughs a bit until Naruto's phone rings again.


"You really don't care much about your friends do you?"

"Koji...this is between you and me. Kill me. But leave everyone else out of this."

"No. This isn't just between you and me. This is me taking everything and everyone you hold dear to you away. Every single person. I'd love to chit chat but there's a bullet itching to end one of your friends' lives. So, chop chop."

Sai's eyes are dead as he caressed Ino's lifeless body in his arms. He stopped crying and is just dead inside.

Koji's men snatch him away from Ino and hoist him up to his feet. He snatches away from them and looks directly into Koji's eyes with not even a hint of life. His wife is gone. He doesn't care about anything or anyone right now.

Koji lifts his gun and points it right at Sai who doesn't flinch. Kiba growls and something snaps in Sai's mind. Kiba. He's the reason Ino is dead. Had he not been so hot headed Ino would still be here. Had he controlled that K9 temper of his, Ino wouldn't be laying lifeless on the ground.

Sai's expression goes from lifeless to enraged. He growls and snatches the gun from Koji before pointing it at Kiba.

"You bastard son of a bitch!!! This is all your fault!!!"

Kiba shakes in fear at the look on Sai's face.

"What the hell are you..."

"Shut up!! Shut the hell up!!! I told you to control that anger!! Look where it's gotten us!! my Ino killed."

Sai looks down at the revolver as Koji tells his men to back off. He aims the gun at Kiba head.

"An eye for an eye..."

*click* He pulls the trigger but no shot comes as Kiba flinches.

"A tooth for a tooth..."

*click* He pulls the trigger again and Kiba flinches again.

"A life for a life..."

*click* He pulls the trigger once more as Kiba is now in tears fearing for his life.

Sai then says with cold eyes aimed at Kiba, "A wife for a wife..."

Kona's eyes widen as Sai turns the gun at Tamaki and...


The impact from the shot slams her body into the wall before it hits the ground with a loud thud. Kiba screams, "Tamaki!!! Noooooo!!!"

He cradles her as blood oozes from her body. Kiba grunts letting his anger take over again and tries to charge at Sai but once again stares down the barrel of the gun in Sai's hand.

"Tsk. Still haven't learned your lesson, huh? Maybe I should kill you and do everybody a favor."

Before he can pull the trigger, Koji's men take the gun and pin the two on the ground with Kiba seething in anger and Sai glaring at him with a blank expression.

Koji looks amused. " I guess."

He lifts his phone again.

"Two down. Two to go. Time's ticking Uzumaki."

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