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Hinata's eyes widen as she looks at Ino. A glare then makes it way to Sakura who looks away. Hinata sighs and explains what lead to Naruka calling her mommy. She tells the two women that she never told the little girl to call her that. It just happened. Not that she mind. She didn't stop the little girl from calling her that because Naruka is what she would want her child to be. Sweet, respectful and adorable. She told them that Naruto went along with it only telling Naruka not to say it around many people because he wanted to protect Hinata's reputation.

Ino jokes about how the young Naruto would have panicked and overreacted to this type of revelation. Sakura giggles as well saying Naruto would probably have had Sasuke, Itachi and Menma try to hypnotize the little girl into stopping. The women all laugh together with Hinata occasionally glancing over at her 'daughter' smiling at the young girl's happiness.

She left out the part about Naruka calling her late one night and her singing the girl to sleep only to end up talking with Naruto and eventually falling asleep with him via FaceTime.

Especially, because every since that night, Naruto has been a bit more open to her. He texts her throughout the day on occasions. Mostly, to check on Naruka but Hinata knows he's using his daughter as an excuse to text her.

Ino and Sakura fangirl throughout the entire story.

Hinata then tells them about the magazine articles and how she knows more than she probably should about Naruto. Ino stares at Hinata with intensity while she is talking and giggling.

"Oh wow. I could see why Naruka thinks you're her mother." Ino says with a few tears forming in her eyes. Hinata looks at her confused while Sakura rubs her friends back for support. Ino then smiles blinking away some tears while looking up away from the girl. She gets up and grabs a picture before bringing it over to show Hinata.

Hinata looks down at the picture and her eyes widen. The blonde hair a little lighter than Naruka's. The lavender eyes similar to her own and the ones Naruka inherited. That warm smile. Her height standing beside Naruto. Hinata's thoughts then go back to the dreams shes been having.

The same woman in her dreams who's been talking to her and giving her permission and encouragement to draw herself closer to the two Uzumakis.

The same woman in her dreams who's been talking to her and giving her permission and encouragement to draw herself closer to the two Uzumakis

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Ino smiles while Hinata observes the picture. "It's because you look, talk and act just like my cousin, Shion. Naruto's late wife."

Tears form in her eyes. No wonder the little girl calls her mommy. Because Hinata looks like her mother. And according to everything Ino said, Hinata is the exact clone of Shion.

Hinata starts crying and Naruka sees her. She runs over to the woman after jumping off of her bed, "Mommy?"

Hinata looks up through her tears at the little Naruto clone. The worried look on her face bothers Hinata who wipes her tears quickly. Naruka holds Hinata's hand. "What's wrong mommy?"

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